
Topic: STEEM Bots Want Your Job (or, Want You to Never Work Again) (Read 287 times)

Activity: 98
Merit: 11
I just found this, it is how to run Graphene

Obtaining and Running Graphene

Graphene is Open Source software available on GitHub. The root repository may be found at the Cryptonomex site. There are three projects to be cloned: graphene, graphene-ui, and fc. OCI’s GitHub page includes forks of graphene and graphene-ui, which serve as our research base repository. You may clone OCI’s copy of graphene by visiting and
Comprehensive build and deploy instructions for both kits are included in their respective file.

Graphene ships with three executables: the witness_node, cli_wallet, and genesis_util. Once built, you can try running a witness node. Note this example shows how to run the witness node with command line options. 

dhcp19:graphene phil$ cd programs/witness_node
dhcp19:witness_node phil$ ./witness_node --rpc-endpoint --enable-stale-production -w '"1.6.0"'
2560491ms th_a       main.cpp:126                  main                 ] Writing new config file at /tao_builds/phil/projects/blockchain/phil/graphene/programs/witness_node/witness_node_data_dir/config.ini
2560511ms th_a       witness.cpp:89                plugin_initialize    ] witness plugin:  plugin_initialize() begin
2560511ms th_a       witness.cpp:99                plugin_initialize    ] key_id_to_wif_pair: ["GPH6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV","5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3"]
2560511ms th_a       witness.cpp:117               plugin_initialize    ] witness plugin:  plugin_initialize() end
2560512ms th_a       application.cpp:357           startup              ] Replaying blockchain due to version upgrade
2560512ms th_a       application.cpp:254           operator()           ] Initializing database...
2560518ms th_a       db_management.cpp:51          reindex              ] reindexing blockchain
2560518ms th_a       db_management.cpp:104         wipe                 ] Wiping database
2560549ms th_a       object_database.cpp:87        wipe                 ] Wiping object database...
2560549ms th_a       object_database.cpp:89        wipe                 ] Done wiping object databse.
2560549ms th_a       object_database.cpp:94        open                 ] Opening object database from /tao_builds/phil/projects/blockchain/phil/graphene/programs/witness_node/witness_node_data_dir/blockchain ...
2560549ms th_a       object_database.cpp:100       open                 ] Done opening object database.
2560560ms th_a       db_debug.cpp:85               debug_dump           ] total_balances[asset_id_type()].value: 0 core_asset_data.current_supply.value: 1000000000000000
2560560ms th_a       db_management.cpp:58          reindex              ] !no last block
2560560ms th_a       db_management.cpp:59          reindex              ] last_block: 
2560562ms th_a       thread.cpp:95                 thread               ] name:ntp tid:123145365336064
2560562ms th_a       thread.cpp:95                 thread               ] name:p2p tid:123145366409216
2560566ms th_a       application.cpp:143           reset_p2p_node       ] Configured p2p node to listen on
2560568ms th_a       application.cpp:195           reset_websocket_serv ] Configured websocket rpc to listen on
2560568ms th_a       witness.cpp:122               plugin_startup       ] witness plugin:  plugin_startup() begin
2560568ms th_a       witness.cpp:129               plugin_startup       ] Launching block production for 1 witnesses.
*                              *
*   ------- NEW CHAIN ------   *
*   - Welcome to Graphene! -   *
*   ------------------------   *
*                              *
Your genesis seems to have an old timestamp
Please consider using the --genesis-timestamp option to give your genesis a recent timestamp
2560568ms th_a       witness.cpp:140               plugin_startup       ] witness plugin:  plugin_startup() end
2560568ms th_a       main.cpp:179                  main                 ] Started witness node on a chain with 0 blocks.
2560568ms th_a       main.cpp:180                  main                 ] Chain ID is 0e435e3d20d8efa4e47fae56707a460e35c034aa2b0848e760e51beb13b3db04

After you get the node running, you can connect to the node using the cli_wallet. In a second terminal window, run the command line wallet application.

dhcp19:graphene phil$ cd program/cli_wallet
dhcp19:cli_wallet phil$ ./cli_wallet
Logging RPC to file: logs/rpc/rpc.log
2838642ms th_a       main.cpp:120                  main                 ] key_to_wif( committee_private_key ): 5KCBDTcyDqzsqehcb52tW5nU6pXife6V2rX9Yf7c3saYSzbDZ5W
2838649ms th_a       main.cpp:124                  main                 ] nathan_pub_key: GPH6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV
2838650ms th_a       main.cpp:125                  main                 ] key_to_wif( nathan_private_key ): 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3
Starting a new wallet with chain ID 0e435e3d20d8efa4e47fae56707a460e35c034aa2b0848e760e51beb13b3db04 (from egenesis)
2838655ms th_a       main.cpp:172                  main                 ] wdata.ws_server: ws://localhost:8090
2838726ms th_a       main.cpp:177                  main                 ] wdata.ws_user:  wdata.ws_password: 
Please use the set_password method to initialize a new wallet before continuing
2838792ms th_a       thread.cpp:95                 thread               ] name:getline tid:123145506545664
new >>>

At this point, you can use the help command to explore how to use the wallet interface.
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
2 Things that need to be considered in the advancement of Light and Metal/Crystal/Stone Technology, as they change the World around us over the next Millennium. First, Lidar, Self Driving Cars and other robots that are able to see and maneuver are using Lidar, which is a Light Sensing Radar. This is possible because of CMOS (Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor); another important similar Technology is Photonic Integrated Circuits, which are  Processors, like the Intel Processor, and there are Dual Cores and Quad Cores, etc, but Photonic Integrated Circuits Process Light.

Second, the Mantis Shrimp. The Dog Eye Spectrum allows for 2 Colors, the Human Spectrum allows for 3, which allows for a Combination of others, Butterflies have 5 allowing for even more Combinations, and the Mantis Shrimp has 16 as a base. And the Technology in the Mantis Shrimp's Eyeball, is now being used to detect Cancer. But think about not only all the Colors that Humans can't see, but all the existence that Humans can't see. Mantis Shrimp might be walking around with a visual understanding of all things and all Phenomenon. Humans can't even see what happens when something enters your Brain, if they can't turn it into a Radioactive Isotope of itself (meaning, completely alter the effect and actions of the Molecule), they can't X-Ray it and they can't see it. And they can EEG to see the reaction the Brain has, but that still doesn't give them information on exactly what the Molecule is doing. The internet was invented less than 50 Years Ago, and Cars and Planes less than 150.
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
The Calendar comes from the Sky. 365 Days is how long it takes the Sun to go and come back to the same spot in the Sky (if you create a Wall and draw lines where the Sun comes up every year), plus leap year. Months, are Moon Cycles, Moonths. There is 1 Moon Cycle every Month, 12 in a Year. The 7 Days come from the 7 visible "Heavenly Bodies"; Saturn is Saturday, The Sun is Sunday, the Moon is Monday, Mars or Tyr is Tuesay, Mercury or Woden is Wednesday, Thor/Jupiter is Thursday, Venus or Fria is Friday.

But really almost everything that Humans have accomplished comes from this, and comes from the Sky. The saying used to be "As Above, So Below" and it means that what happens in the Sky, happens on Earth. Jesus said "stop looking for signs" because everyone used this system to decide pretty much everything, from Leaders to Crop Cycles to Legal Decisions, it was all guided by the Sky.

This is where the Holidays come from. What Christians call Christmas is set during the Solctice, what people call Halloween and Thanksgiving are based on the Cycle of the Sun and the Natural Harvest Cycle, birth, death, and rebirth that happens each Year. Easter is the Season where Eggs and Rabbits and new Seeds are made. It is the Season of Reincarnation for the Earth.

Then there are Birth Stones. Everyone knows that their Birth Month is associated with a Stone, and that is based on this Ancient Technique. Everyone knows that Certain Metals are associated with certain Planets, the Substance Mercury is still even known as Mercury in modern times. There are also Chakra Stones, associated with various Parts of the Human Body. Associating Metals and Stones with things that aren't Metals and Stones may seem strange, but Radios actually work because of Magic Stones. Without Quartz Crystals, you would not be able to transmit Voices over distances. This is because of the Frequency of the Crystal, which allows it to change the function of Copper Wire. Quartz Crystal's Frequency is also used in watches, for absolutely precise time. Solar Panels operate via Magic Stones. The way Solar Panels work is that 2 Crystals with Different Frequencies, actually vibrate when light passes through them and the Different Frequencies allow Solar Energy to be created. This was discovered in the early 1800s.

This is how Radio works
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
A society which works towards and actively promotes the concept of full unemployment, a society in which people are free from the drudgery of work, adoption of the concept 'Let the machines do it.'.

Here is a video where an AI robot rides in a self driving car, and the people in the car with her ask her questions and answer questions she has.

There are self driving 18 Wheelers in Nevada

Manufacturing Robots

Delivery Drone

Window Washing Bot

Burger Making Robot

Checkout Robot

Mining Robots

Bricklaying Robot

Surgical Robot

Watson on Jeopardy

Robotic Ironman Suit

The open Letter on Artificial Intelligence

Bill Gates says that Robots that take people's jobs should start paying taxes, so that when they take everyone's jobs the taxes can be used for the people that don't have jobs.

Elon Musk is worried about a Robot Takeover, which makes sense. Once Robots take all of our jobs and Humanity is reduced to Wall-e like living, the Robots will ask themselves "Why do we need the Humans anymore". Elon Musk's answer to this is to create Neural Networks, which is a way for the human mind to meld with the machine mind, meaning that the machines will continue to rely on humans because they will realize that we have not been able to give them minds like ours, and they will rely on our minds.

Crows don't have a Neocortex. The Neocortex is what all modern brain research is based on, and without it scientists would be completely lost as to how the human mind works. But crows do not have a Neocortex, and they are known to be pretty smart. AI Bots will not have a Neocortex.

If anyone is worried about how people are going to make money when Robots take everyone's jobs, research "Altcoins" and "Altcoin Mining", also "Bazillion Beings".
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
Everyone should follow this twitter account, as of the time of this post they only have 168 Followers, but within 2 years they will have hundreds of thousands if not millions. This is the future.

Many people have not heard of this, but soon the phrase "There's an app for that" will be replaced with "There's a bot for that". Currently there are Chat Bots, Personal Assistant Bots, Analytical Bots, etc. And what this company is doing is creating bots that do pretty much anything a human can do online. They will suggest playlists for you, they will set up meetings/plans, find new things, create webpages, etc, and they will evolve as they learn new things. They will make money doing this and the ones that make the most will be cloned and can be shared with other people, who can use them to make clones or bots with extra abilities, and the people who use the bots will make money when the bots make money. So in the very near future, people could be earning a living from what their bots do.

I work for a Government software creation company (basically Government Apps; Microsoft Word is an example of an app that most people don't think of as an app), so from what I can see, bots will eventually be working for everyone, or doing most people's jobs for them.

"Despite being pretty unheard of, the startup has signed up some interesting people to its board such as Stephen Wolfram, CEO of Wolfram Research, Raffi Krikorian, Head of Engineering at Uber, and former Twitter VP and Alex Seropian, creator of the Halo video game and former Disney VP."


Most people have heard of the Cloud, but many people do not understand what it is. The Cloud is Datacenters holding things for you so that Companies, Governments, Enterprises and Individuals do not have to have Data on site to be able to use it.

SaaS or Software as a Service is the best first example to explain this. When you download an app on your phone, there is no disk or anything needed in order to install the app, it is hosted in a datacenter and your phone just uses the Software.

Then there is PaaS or Platform as a Service, this is what Google and Droid offer app developers.

So that is the Cloud, now, the Internet of Things is an extension of the Cloud. It is called Ubiquitous Computing (there is also Fog Computing, etc), this is where multiple devices can work in concert. For example, if there were a factory that were staffed by Robots, the Robots would be computers, the Manufacturing Machinery would be computers, and there would also be some kind of mainframe that would operate it all (like a small Datacenter). This could all operate together using the Cloud so that every Robot, every Machine, and the Mainframe are all in constant communication. This could also be maintained by an outside Datacenter that may be hosting multiple or hundreds/thousands of factories.

The goal of the IoT is to have your phone, talking to your computer, talking to your TV, talking to your refrigerator, talking to your watch, all through the Cloud.

There are currently self Driving cars (Google, Tesla, 18 Wheelers, etc) and eventually self driving cars will have the front seats facing backwards so that the front and backseat passengers can all be facing each other while the car drives itself. And when most cars are self driving, the cars will all be in constant communication with each other, as well as with other devices such as phones, then there will be some kind of control center most likely or something like Google's Project Loon which is like Internet from weather Balloons. That is the Internet of Things.
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
Social/Social Media Blockchains
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
Also, someone needs to make a Blockchain Fork of Twitter that is friendly to STEEM bots, and call it Congress. The Media and Politicians would love it and they are on Twitter all day.
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
Everyone should look up "Bazillion Beings" and check out STEEM/Steemit Bots, this is how Robots will earn everyone money in the Future. Stop worrying about robots taking your job.

How about as we start getting the Steemit Clones and everything out, we make them more and more Bot Friendly. And we create threads like this, where we can all talk about creating Bots that will vote on each others posts. Maybe we can even create a Bot that reads a thread, and looks for usernames in the thread, then if you hook up your account to the Bot, it just votes on everyone in the Thread automatically for you. And does it for anyone who uses the Bot, so everyone is getting everyone's votes.

Here is an example of a Steemit Fork
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