4. Add OP_0 in back of the step 3
can somebody explain this step, please?
...if anyone is here still....^^
That is a wrong step that OP didn't perform either! It's just written that way. The OP_0 (witness program version) is added in step 6 as a 5-bit integer before computing the Bech32 checksum instead of adding it as an 8-bit integer to the hex/bytes you have in step 4. If you do the later, it will break step 5 where you're splitting your hex into 5-bit chunks.
Thanks for the reply. What do you mean by OP didnt perform either? There seems to be an extra 0, yes. What am I missing?
Strangely enough it only works for me (in many other examples), when i execute this step 4 exactly as written... but I suck at programming and probably I made some mistakes in the latter steps...
In my code the result after step 4 (with the added 4 bits "0000") is
0011001001100010 0000
and after adding the padding 0 and the version number in the beginning it is
['00000', '00011', '00001', '10001', '10001', '01000', '01111', '00000', '10100', '11000', '10100', '01011', '00110', '10000', '00001', '00101', '11101', '00011', '00100', '10000', '00011', '00110', '10101', '10110', '11010', '00010', '01101', '10110', '01001', '10000', '10101', '10011', '11000', '11001', '10101', '00110', '10010', '01111', '01000', '01101', '11000', '11000', '11000', '11001', '01001', '01100', '00001', '00100', '10000', '00110', '01001', '10001', '00000']