Hey there ! Howdy?
Ok I was searching for tutorials all over internet on "how to integrate bitcoin daemon with php" I came up with many and none of them helped me to get it working flawlessly, some of them threw unexpected and strange errors after 90% completion and some of them good enough to throw error in starting only which saved my time and efforts. Now that I have done what I was looking for why not create a step by step tutorial to help fellow members. So let's get started.
Before we start you should install tmux which helps you save your work even if you are disconnected from the vps. To install tmux:
sudo apt-get install tmux
to start tmux simply type tmux and to get back on mai screen press ctrl b and then d to restore the session again type tmux attach.
I am expecting you have a Ubuntu 12.x or later because that is what i used for installation. Log in to your VPS or your computer's terminal and install python software properties by typing following command :
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
then add repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin by typing following command
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
In my case this didn't work and threw an error stating that add-apt-repository command not found. In ubuntu later version versions this command is not found under python-software-properties package, like in previous versions, but available in software-properties-common. So I had installed it by running these commands :
sudo aptitude install software-properties-common
To find in which package the command we are looking for exists the following will be of help:
sudo apt-fille update
Unfortunately in my case this was also not installed so I had installed it by running following command :
apt-get install apt-file
Now I got the message "The file is up to date"
Now run
sudo apt-file search add-apt-repository
You will be prompted to confirm this installation, press Enter key to confirm.
Now run
sudo aptitude update
and then
sudo aptitude install bitcoind
Make a new directory by typing :
mkdir ~/.bitcoin
cd ~/.bitcoin
Create a new file inside this directory named bitcoin.conf by typing:
nano bitcoin.conf
insert the following code in the text file:
Exit by pressing ctrl+x to confirm the changes press Y and then press return key. Start the bitcoin daemon by typing:
Bitcoin daemon is now installed and runing you can check it by running the following command
bitcoind getinfo
Now we will install apache and php on our serverTo install apache we will run th following code:
sudo apt-get install apache2
once apache is installed verify it by typing your ip address in the browser it will say
It works!now we will install php by following command:
sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5
now navigate to var/www folder and download jsonRPCClient.php with the following command:
wget http://pmtocoins.com/JSON-RPC_PHP_light.zip
once downloaded unzip it by typing:
unzip JSON*.zip
no move to the directory by:
cd json*/includes
and move jsonRPCClient.php into your www folder
now create a new index.php file in www folder with following code
$bitcoin = new jsonRPCClient('http://your_username:[email protected]:8332/');
?> and you are done navigate to your ip address on the browser e.g and hurray
You can have a look on API call list here :