Interesting hypothesis from that vid:
"Published on Jun 29, 2015
This is a rare interview with one of the men who used to be on the "team" to control Theoretical Physicist Stephen Hawking. You see, Dr. Hawking had stumbled upon certain data and evidence that made him question the actual earth model that we have all been taught. His stature as a world leader in Physics made killing him a difficult option. Instead, the government decided to use him as a mouthpiece for all sorts of scientific agendas, particularly as they pertain to maintaining the globe earth deception. They have kept him in this drugged, suspended animation state for decades just so they can use his name and image to push their sinister agenda.
Many feel that this interview is a not true, especially given how the interviewee pronounces Hawking's name. This is so immaterial when actually listening to his words and to the spontaneous and knowledgeable nature of his answers and information. For those who know how this world operates, this sad story should come as no surprise to anyone. The powers will keep the flat earth secret no matter what it takes. And what better to have than a famous scientist's body where you can control what people think he is saying - right in line with all the lies about our world and universe. It's just too obvious and moreover, tragic for Dr. Hawking. Watch, listen and see for yourself."
I would believe it, it's too odd to change his beliefs that aliens would be bad for us and do a 180 into pushing forward, plus I have written about in my thread here that the elite are pushing an alien confrontation somewhat soon.
This may not even be Stephen Hawking doing the typing on reddit. (I am listening to video and they just said that) My prediction is that he will talk about aliens coming soon. (of course that's not a big jump from his new "search") But I also predict he will focus on it, or at make at least one somewhat shocking statement about how likely we'll be visited by aliens soon or he'll find something in space soon.
may i ask if you are also telling this stuff to your family, friends and so on?
is this just a hobby or are you in some way involved with it through your job or something?
(im mean from flat-earth over rupture to alien visits)
Lol. A hobby.
[Edit: Let me clarify, I take the bible seriously, and so it is a hobby to check out stories that may relate in some way to prophecies. (The conspiracy theories specifically are more fun that happened to spin off because of what I was looking up.) Honestly the bible says there will be at least one conspiracy because of the great deception]
But seriously, why would someone so smart who knows that if there were aliens and they came here, they would probably kill us (and he said that), all of a sudden do a 180 and start looking for trouble? Think he's got a case of murder-suicide and he wants to take out the whole world by aliens? There certainly wasn't any new evidence to say aliens are any more friendly then when he spoke out about them back then.