Gentlemen and ladies if you're out there (haven't seen one yet but it'll happen) I'm looking for some help here.
I'm trying to promote some friends of mine and their band's tour to the US.
Steppin Cerca from Viña del Mar, Chile describes themselves by saying "We embody a mix of “música negra” with its roots in old school hip-hop, funk, soul, jazz and Latin music."
Steppin Cerca is a big fan of Bitcoin and makes up about 20% of the Bitcoin users in Chile (Hey, it's just starting to catch on here).
Here's a link to their youtube page their rockethub page're heading to the U.S. in July to tour with "The Vanburens"
I realize there aren't a lot of Spanish speakers on these forums but you don't have to speak Spanish to dig it.
Check out the first track on the youtube "El Regalo" (The Gift) if you're interested.
If anyone is interested in getting some audio work (beats, mixes whatever) done Nate has said he'd be willing to work for bitcoins making this probably the first service provided in S. America for btc. If you want them to put up signs that say, promote your site or whatever at their shows they'd probably do it too. Just need to ask.
You can verify the bitcoin address on their rockethub page linked above: