Great statement.
We've known that all major isp's have been fully tapped for at least 8 years. The bigger questions are about the nature in which they've matured in processing this massive amount of data. <-- that helps you to under stand the need for the two huge multi billion dollar dc's being built today by the nsa.
Here are the questions that define the future:
Can they MITM 1024b tls?
What is the depth of their access to Windows systems? <-- previous leaks talk about built in keys for nsa
The contributions to the core linux kernel from the nsa, do they weaken the random number generator with their provided cryptography updates?
The foundations of everything we do on computing systems come into question.
I sense a mass departure from online (cloud) backup solutions.
The cloud in general will suffer for a good length of time.
There will be a mass arrival of methods to conceal any activity you have on the dirty internets. <-- business to jump into now.
good luck fuckers!