Good point. As long as you don't disclose that you have an implant with crypto funds on it, you'll be fine. After all, implants use nanotechnology which makes them invisible to the "naked eye". Manufacturers would need to implement tightening security mechanisms to protect unauthorized access to crypto funds from malicious actors. Once the implant detects it's on the right body, it could become accessible for mainstream crypto payments. Otherwise, the implant will cease to function rendering the perpetrator's efforts in vain. At least, the idea is there. But we're still far away from seeing this becoming a reality anytime soon, as people are mostly accustomed in using smartphones and other mobile devices for their daily needs.
It might make millions of dollars in ICO.
Yeah, it might be a good idea. Storing something inside your body. You will just have to be careful with infections since it is not really how your body was created, you are adding something in the system that might react someday.
Implants have expiration right? I have never checked it out yet. I think they change it at the right amount of time.
Security will be pretty well with that idea.
I know right? I'm surprised that not even a single mainstream company has come up with something like this yet. Maybe it's because implants are still risky for a person's body? If perfected, you can expect large scale adoption of implants worldwide as they prove to be a better alternative than hardware wallets or even mobile devices for storing one's crypto funds. A lot of tests are needed to be performed, in order to ensure implants are safe enough for anyone to carry on their bodies every time. Because if there are health risks involved, I doubt anyone would want to use something like this in the first place.
And you already can store your wallet in your body, I'm talking about memorizing your seed - you can't conveniently pay with it, but you can always carry it with you and no one will know it.
Yes. There's no denying that. After all, there's nothing that's 100% secure. One way or another, vulnerabilities will exist resulting in risk of loss or theft. But I believe that implants may be much safer than hardware wallets or any other device because they're hidden inside your body. No one will really know you have crypto stored on an implant unless you disclose information about it. As it's said in the mainstream world, "keep it secret, keep it safe". We'll have to see what the outcome of a crypto implant will be in a person's body in the future. If there's enough demand for it, you can expect crypto implants to be the norm of digital payments within the mainstream world.