I mean that pool admin can monitor the behaviour of concurrent pools with stratum.
the past, we talk about future )
Just the standard protocol: "inv" --> "getdata" --> "block" packets
OK, imagine you and me are pool admins.
I create artificial block, containing 2k segwit transactions you haven't seen in raw form.
I broadcast this block to pre-segwit part of network (without signatures).
One of my own asics is connected to your pool.
You are able to receive this incomplete block from one of pre-segwit nodes.
You know that this situation is standard, because block without signatures moves
much more faster. You have two opportunities: (a) ignore it and wait more time for
valid block in segwit consensus rules (b) start mining empty block on top of it.
What would you do in this case to increase your revenue?
What would you do if this case will happen regulary?