
Topic: Striking Decline of Premature Births and SIDS During COVID (Read 207 times)

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Blanket lock downs are good for birth control if the girl is under the blanket

im guessing the female your trying to get with, by doing her favours when she needs shopping has still not given into your advances. otherwise you would not be in a cafe at the crack of dawn

just know she is in her 60's so there is no big chance of her getting pregnant. so all your worry about children being harmed by vaccines is a worry you should not worry about.

you should be more worried if a women of her age and you of your age did procreate.. there will be some genetic issues with the kid based purely on your aged genes
be more concerned about avoiding procreating rather than dreaming of future childrens health and finding other things to blame it on

Just remember. It is God Who is firmly asking people to reproduce. And for the security of the children - and other reasons - He wants the parents to be married until death do they part.

People killing so many babies through abortion, and having so many children outside of marriage, is a big part of the reason God is allowing - and maybe promoting - the Covid pandemic.

The reduction in SIDS is God's final attempt to get people to look at what He wants. If they won't look and change their ways, He just might destroy us all. He has done this before, so why shouldn't He do it again?

Whatever happens, His faithful people are protected.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
Blanket lock downs are good for birth control if the girl is under the blanket

im guessing the female your trying to get with, by doing her favours when she needs shopping has still not given into your advances. otherwise you would not be in a cafe at the crack of dawn

just know she is in her 60's so there is no big chance of her getting pregnant. so all your worry about children being harmed by vaccines is a worry you should not worry about.

you should be more worried if a women of her age and you of your age did procreate.. there will be some genetic issues with the kid based purely on your aged genes
be more concerned about avoiding procreating rather than dreaming of future childrens health and finding other things to blame it on
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Seems to me that the whole thing is based on the lockdowns. Hospitals and clinics in March, April, and May, were not letting babies get in to receive their scheduled shots.

My point with regard to your post above this one^^, is that if the kids in November-December had not received their shots, there would have been even fewer SIDS deaths.

Are you sure that the kids got all their regularly scheduled shots during the lockdown?


How do you qualify the decrease in SIDs to one a single part of the lockdown? SIDs is linked to just regular colds, if you can establish a decrease in the exposure to the common cold and other illnesses due to blanket lockdown measures, you could also claim that thats the cause rather than lack of vaccination.

I thought they didn't know what caused SIDS. The article has to do with the timing of the lockdowns and SIDS reduction. But it could be lots of things. Everything works together. If babies don't go out, they aren't exposed to as much as they would be if they went in for their vaccinations. But maybe it was staying home in mother's arms that did it. Mother love is strong.

Activity: 2800
Merit: 2472
Blanket lock downs are good for birth control if the girl is under the blanket
Activity: 2590
Merit: 2156
Welcome to the SaltySpitoon, how Tough are ya?
Seems to me that the whole thing is based on the lockdowns. Hospitals and clinics in March, April, and May, were not letting babies get in to receive their scheduled shots.

My point with regard to your post above this one^^, is that if the kids in November-December had not received their shots, there would have been even fewer SIDS deaths.

Are you sure that the kids got all their regularly scheduled shots during the lockdown?


How do you qualify the decrease in SIDs to one a single part of the lockdown? SIDs is linked to just regular colds, if you can establish a decrease in the exposure to the common cold and other illnesses due to blanket lockdown measures, you could also claim that thats the cause rather than lack of vaccination.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
Watch people. Watch how they are more sexually aggressive towards the opposite sex during the full moon. Research the best time of month to have sex to get a boy, and the best time to get a girl.

badecker. first get a girlfriend.. i know its tough.. but thats your first mission

next dont promote that guys should slap around their girlfriends if they want a boy and romance them if they want a girl. (i know your tempted to give that advice)

lastly all of the 'time of the month' .. 'mood prediction'.. pick a girl from a town lacking men' is not a guarantee
there is a only a small couple percent chance of flipping the coin in your favour

but for now.. your only mission. is to try and get a girlfriend.. any girlfriend. maybe she might teach you a few things that will blow your mind
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Why Does War Breed More Boys?

Popular Science has the answer.

Watch people. Watch how they are more sexually aggressive towards the opposite sex during the full moon. Research the best time of month to have sex to get a boy, and the best time to get a girl.

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
Why Does War Breed More Boys?

Popular Science has the answer.

nope its not war men being more fertile

its actually women hormones reacting to the lack of men that these hormonal changes (testosterone) in women cause them to then be more prone to birth boys

yep women have testosterone too..

whats probably more of a causation affect of less sids is that although woman of all ages have a 0.3% chance of their offspring dying of sids. a decline of sids since 2004 has been due to a decline in women under 20 becoming pregnant
women under 20 have a higher chance of their kid dying of sids

in the last year with the meetoo movement and the other feminist campaigns. most teenage girls have been keepig their legs closed more and not letting guys take advantage of them.
so less teen pregnancy=less of the higher risk offspring/parent group
Activity: 2800
Merit: 2472
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
just remember the blog article was preemies in march..
meaning conception july-october for it to be a 6-9month 'preemy' in march
women conceiving in or before july would be full turn deliveries in march

conception      late july  august   september   october 
delivery age    <9mnth  8month  7month       6month
anything after november either not born yet or a miscarriage

lockdowns were not happening in july2019-march2020
so saying the lockdown prevented vaccinations. is another fail by the idiot
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Fish are able to change sex to adjust an imbalance in the sexes. It seems that humans are going for the same ability. Smiley

Well, a lot of fish are able to change their sexes after birth. I believe with humans, its stress hormones effecting the fetus and biasing the gender. At least from an evolutionary standpoint, stress means conflict, conflict means males dying, replace them or the species dies out. Things that take millions of years can't keep up with boom sticks that fire projectiles.

Since this is the case (I presume), all it means is that if the kids hadn't been vaccinated in November-December, there would have been such a dynamic drop in SIDS that we could for certain blame the vaccines for the SIDS deaths.


I'm not sure that I'm following 100%, but what you are looking to see is if changes in routine vaccination schedule due to covid results in any difference in pregnancy outcomes. To this point, there has been no routine vaccination schedule change for any babies that have already been delivered. I did a quick google search because my only background was that when I get a flu shot, they ask me if I'm pregnant, to which I always respond yes, and it pisses them off. Anyway, between that, and a quick CDC guideline that said make sure your MMR shots are up to date before becoming pregnant, leads me to believe that they don't normally give you vaccines while pregnant. If we're just talking about the US, routine vaccinations were still in place in March anyway, maybe April or later in some places. What that means is that anyone who got pregnant before April (more realistically May) received all of the regular vaccinations that they would have normally, so any babies delivered until 9 months after that date is just a regular ole vaccine exposed baby like the rest of us.

While I doubt that we'll see the outcomes you're expecting, I'm with you in being interested in how covid effects birth rates, etc. Will many of the children born be male, will there be a new baby boom generation because couples have been stuck home with nothing better to do, will being exposed to covid or the covid vaccine result in tails and horns, lets watch!

Seems to me that the whole thing is based on the lockdowns. Hospitals and clinics in March, April, and May, were not letting babies get in to receive their scheduled shots.

My point with regard to your post above this one^^, is that if the kids in November-December had not received their shots, there would have been even fewer SIDS deaths.

Are you sure that the kids got all their regularly scheduled shots during the lockdown?

Activity: 2590
Merit: 2156
Welcome to the SaltySpitoon, how Tough are ya?
Fish are able to change sex to adjust an imbalance in the sexes. It seems that humans are going for the same ability. Smiley

Well, a lot of fish are able to change their sexes after birth. I believe with humans, its stress hormones effecting the fetus and biasing the gender. At least from an evolutionary standpoint, stress means conflict, conflict means males dying, replace them or the species dies out. Things that take millions of years can't keep up with boom sticks that fire projectiles.

Since this is the case (I presume), all it means is that if the kids hadn't been vaccinated in November-December, there would have been such a dynamic drop in SIDS that we could for certain blame the vaccines for the SIDS deaths.


I'm not sure that I'm following 100%, but what you are looking to see is if changes in routine vaccination schedule due to covid results in any difference in pregnancy outcomes. To this point, there has been no routine vaccination schedule change for any babies that have already been delivered. I did a quick google search because my only background was that when I get a flu shot, they ask me if I'm pregnant, to which I always respond yes, and it pisses them off. Anyway, between that, and a quick CDC guideline that said make sure your MMR shots are up to date before becoming pregnant, leads me to believe that they don't normally give you vaccines while pregnant. If we're just talking about the US, routine vaccinations were still in place in March anyway, maybe April or later in some places. What that means is that anyone who got pregnant before April (more realistically May) received all of the regular vaccinations that they would have normally, so any babies delivered until 9 months after that date is just a regular ole vaccine exposed baby like the rest of us.

While I doubt that we'll see the outcomes you're expecting, I'm with you in being interested in how covid effects birth rates, etc. Will many of the children born be male, will there be a new baby boom generation because couples have been stuck home with nothing better to do, will being exposed to covid or the covid vaccine result in tails and horns, lets watch!

That said, I'm pretty sure you can get vaccines again. For my routine medical procedures over the past few months, they've just been only allowing one patient in at a time, and ask that you wait in your car and they'll call you to come in rather than having people sitting around in a waiting room, so I'm not sure what 2-3 months of delays in vaccines will do.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
what is actually happening is that lets say out of 100 pregnancies7 would result in 'preemy'
however due to lockdowns those 7 women that normally would get ultrasound scans or would seek advice from their doctor about belly pains. to cause them to be admitted and induced early..
1or 2 out of the 7 didnt go to the doctors to get checked out, thus didnt get admitted to hospital, thus didnt get induced early

funny part in badeckers referenced article
the blogger thinks babies gestate for 40 weeks (10 months)
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
here is the funny thing

women must be in their 6th month+ of pregnancy in march to even have a 'preemy' in march
would have conceived in october 2019 august2019

so saying a virus lockdown in march prevented women getting vaccined on august2019-february2020
is a sign that badecker cant even read a calender in the right way to even understand how flawed the stupid sites summary of the data is

also infants dont get vaccinated untill atleast 2 months after its born in normal birth. or later in preemy
'preemy' babies wont be vaccinated at 2months after they were delivered. but are put in a incubator to prevent infection until they reach their mature 'true norm birth' state(what they should be at 9th month of gestation) and then vaccinated 2 months after that

this means that a preemy birthed at 6months wont be vaccinated for 5 months
meaning any preemy born in march at 6 months is not even due for a vaccination until august

so again saying lack of infant vaccinations has reduced preemy deaths shows the lack of understanding time flows in a single direction

a baby wont die at 6th months because 5 months later after death it will be injected
sorry time travel is one direction
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Catch this:
The U.S. has already witnessed a 37 percent drop in cancer care diagnosis compared to this same time period last year, and we have experienced massive drops in cancer screenings including mammography (87 percent drop), colonoscopy (90 percent drop) and Pap Smear (83 percent drop).
What is going on here?

There is a study that I have misplaced that talks about people with Covid having a reduction in cancer. It seems that Covid plus a certain nutrient/medicaton is curing cancer.


Uhh, you mean people aren't going into the doctor for routine visits that would otherwise catch the cancer that they have. They don't give you vaccines if you are pregnant, meaning there has been no change in vaccine schedule for any data collected on premature birth/SIDs in the past 9 months. All of the babies born before November-December of this year have been subjected to all of the routine vaccinations that their mothers would have normally received. Data from pregnancies after November start to become significant on analyzing effects of covid on pregnancy.

I will throw out another interesting thing to watch out for, and thats the sex ratio of children born. During periods of high stress, war/famine/major economic/social problems, there is a major shift in the male:female ratio of children born, favoring female rather than male.

Since this is the case (I presume), all it means is that if the kids hadn't been vaccinated in November-December, there would have been such a dynamic drop in SIDS that we could for certain blame the vaccines for the SIDS deaths.

Activity: 2800
Merit: 2472
Fish are able to change sex to adjust an imbalance in the sexes. It seems that humans are going for the same ability. Smiley
Activity: 2590
Merit: 2156
Welcome to the SaltySpitoon, how Tough are ya?
Catch this:
The U.S. has already witnessed a 37 percent drop in cancer care diagnosis compared to this same time period last year, and we have experienced massive drops in cancer screenings including mammography (87 percent drop), colonoscopy (90 percent drop) and Pap Smear (83 percent drop).
What is going on here?

There is a study that I have misplaced that talks about people with Covid having a reduction in cancer. It seems that Covid plus a certain nutrient/medicaton is curing cancer.


Uhh, you mean people aren't going into the doctor for routine visits that would otherwise catch the cancer that they have. They don't give you vaccines if you are pregnant, meaning there has been no change in vaccine schedule for any data collected on premature birth/SIDs in the past 9 months. All of the babies born before November-December of this year have been subjected to all of the routine vaccinations that their mothers would have normally received. Data from pregnancies after November start to become significant on analyzing effects of covid on pregnancy.

I will throw out another interesting thing to watch out for, and thats the sex ratio of children born. During periods of high stress, war/famine/major economic/social problems, there is a major shift in the male:female ratio of children born, favoring female rather than male.

Activity: 2800
Merit: 2472
There are a lot of infants however that they are said they are born when their mothers are infected by COVID.
I wonder if those kids will have any health problems in the future of their lives.

My first reaction was that they would be born with corona virus immunity. I'd be interested to know if memory T-cells can be transferred from mother to infant.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
So, I assume that this is a good impact of COVID.
There are a lot of infants however that they are said they are born when their mothers are infected by COVID.
I wonder if those kids will have any health problems in the future of their lives.

Somebody should do a study regarding how many of these kids get autism compared with those who get vaccinated.

Catch this:
The U.S. has already witnessed a 37 percent drop in cancer care diagnosis compared to this same time period last year, and we have experienced massive drops in cancer screenings including mammography (87 percent drop), colonoscopy (90 percent drop) and Pap Smear (83 percent drop).
What is going on here?

There is a study that I have misplaced that talks about people with Covid having a reduction in cancer. It seems that Covid plus a certain nutrient/medicaton is curing cancer.

Activity: 980
Merit: 62
So, I assume that this is a good impact of COVID.
There are a lot of infants however that they are said they are born when their mothers are infected by COVID.
I wonder if those kids will have any health problems in the future of their lives.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Looks like the lockdowns have reduced the number of vaccinations done to mothers, babies, and expectant mothers. The results are fewer SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and fewer premature births.

Striking Decline of Premature Births and SIDS During COVID

Unusual reductions have also been reported in other countries, including Australia, the Netherlands and the U.S. The Vanderbilt Children's Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee, for example, had about 20% fewer preemies than is typical for March.11 As noted in the Irish study, posted on the preprint server medRxiv June 5, 2020:12


The meta stats have been telling us forever that infant vaccination is risky.  This informs as to how risky.  The big news though is that the lockdown flushed this all out in the form of decling death rates.

There may well be a safe vaccination protocol.  Right now we do not have it, but instead a criminal CABAL selling the MEME any which way.

Yesterday we learned that COV 19 in combination with quinine is a plausible cure for cancer.  It certainly will suppress cancer cells while protecting normal cells.  Does it get better than that?  Now watch the CABAL attempt to stop this.

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