The recent dumping is driven by leveraged shorting.
Please stop with this unbelievable bullshit.
You have been telling us that these months crashes have been manipulation with leveraged selling. Stop.
Shorts on bitfinex have never exceeded something like 30k BTC. Now they are lot less.
Even if they would have always been 30k BTC, that amount is a drop in the ocean compared to the daily volume during volatile times on all exchanges. Absolutely nothing, they don't have much influence.
In case you were wondering, your short interest is somewhat correlated with price movements because the latter influences the former, not the other way around.
Stop with this bullshit that the "shorters have to buy back". Sure they technically do, but that doesn't have much influence in the price per se and the longers are in the same situation, with the difference that the trend is still down (shorters are making profit, longers not really) and that longs are a lot more as always.
I have corrected you before. A few days ago you didn't even know what 'short interest' was..
The 10,000 additional short contracts that have been bought from $300 down to where we are now are extremely important in terms of setting the price. Only someone being totally disingenious like you would say otherwise.
Let us take the dump last night as an example. 5000 btc dumped onto the bid orderbook on bitfinex to scare the bids down. At the same time 5000 new shorts opened. Coincidence? Hmm.
You don't think buying 5000 btc if the price moves up forcing shorts to cover makes a difference? It is most of the orderbook on finex to bring the price back to $240 you simpleton.
You never corrected me in anything regarding actual content of the arguments, only on what was the best term/expression for the same concept we were talking about (short interest/number of BTC swaps).
I know more than you about shorts and longs since I actually trade (not right now tho), you don’t.
Dude, shorts were at 28k recently, they have been squeezed to 15k, now back to around 20k. 5k-10k BTC fluctuations once or twice in the span of months. Go look at the volume on all exchanges. Does it look like 5k-10k fluctuations once every few months have an influence on the BIG PICTURE of the price (nobody cares about little moves you are talking about, they are just noise, whether up or down). No they don’t. Again, they are a drop in the ocean compared to what China (that moves this market whether you like it or not, and yes the recent pump&dump to $300 was mostly them as always) or all the other exchanges combined can move during volatile times.
Again, quantity of BTC swaps (or “short interest”) are correlated with price movements because the latter influences the former, in the larger picture.
You just HODL and buy more whenever you can, you don’t trade, so why are you talking about something you don’t know much about?
If you are talking about the shorters “that have to buy back”,
why are you ignoring the longers?"Short interest bubble". More like "long interest bubble" lol