well, you payed 5 sat/byte whilst you should have payed > 13 sat/byte.
If you know the receiver (or if you received change), you could do a CPFP... Otherwise you can wait, the transaction will probably confirm sooner or later (or after 14 days, it'll get pruned from most mempools of most nodes).
Or, you can pay a fee directly to a big, known mining pool to include your transaction into the block they are currently solving... Viabtc is one of those trusted pools that does this (they do it for free for tx's with a fee of >10 sat/vbyte, but yours doesn't qualify i'm afraid).
To bad you didn't opt-in RBF, next time this might be a thing to remember aswell... If you would have opted in rbf, you would have been able to bump the fee.
Here's a walktrough i wrote a long time ago on how to do a cpfp with electrum: