In the US, if you are not an IRS taxpayer, then you don't have to pay IRS taxes on anything, even Bitcoin.
How do you become a taxpayer? By signing any IRS form. Note that the Form W-4 with your employer is an IRS form.
How do you get out of being a taxpayer? Notice the IRS that you have rescinded your signature off of all of the IRS forms you have ever signed.
How do you remain not a taxpayer when you need to sign some of their forms at some times? Note that you need to sign the Form W-4 with your employer, or he may not hire you. If he already hired you first, it is illegal for him to fire you for IRS related reasons. But he can make your life difficult on the job.
If you need to file some kind of an IRS form, on all - or as many as possible - lines, place "n-a." Then sign the form "non-assumpsit,
your signature. "Non-assumpsit" means 'no contract' in legal language, but look it up.
The difficult part is remaining outside of assumed contracts when IRS agents start talking or writing to you.
Yes. You became a taxpayer by accidental agreement with the IRS. IRS taxes are totally voluntary. By contract law, if you volunteered in, you can volunteer out.