FaucetFly has a lot of scam faucets and bad reputation.
I'm using faucetfly subdomain as my first faucet because it free but i'm using a faucethub as the payment platform so that payment can be made directly to users faucethub wallets. looks like i already in a company of scammers.
Anyway, i think faucetfly is full of bot user because at my first few days, i can get 6000 views per days and almost 2000 claim per day but a-ads and coinmedia statistic only show around 50 visit per day. that is when i use recaptha. but then i switch to solve media, my views drop to 250 per day and 50 claim per day. and it reflected the amount of visit shows by coinmedia and a-ads.
so, i think faucet owner using faucetfly is not to blame entirely or advertiser company who didn't show statistic tally with your page statistic [different cases because i have read an argument on the different topic (about advertiser company) on this page and just want to say it out here].