This is quite annoying when you want to respond to multiple threads / PMs at once (for example after logging in and catching up on your threads/PMs)
The search delay might even be counterproductive because it discourages newbies from searching.
I understand that some kind of rate limiting for newbies is needed in order to reduce spam attacks.
For this reason, I propose using the "token bucket" ( algorithm for rate-limiting newbies' posts and searches instead of a fixed delay.
Every user or IP gets an own "post bucket" that can hold 10 tokens.
Every [postDelay] seconds, a token is added to every non-full bucket.
When a user wants to post, a token is taken from his bucket. If the bucket is empty, he gets a "You're posting too often, wait n seconds" error.
This way, the annoying delay shouldn't occur anymore for most newbies but if they want to spam, they still get rate-limited.
The exact bucket size can be adjusted of course, 10 tokens is just some example number.
For searching, a seperate bucket can be used in order to implement different post/search delays.
Note that in the implementation, you don't actually have to call some "add tokens" script every N seconds.
In fact, there would be hardly any performance penalty if you do it like this:
pseudocodeFunction userWantsToPost(userid):
currentTime = getCurrentTime()
# get user-specific information from DB.
lastTokenTime = getLastTokenTime(userid)
numberOfTokens = getUserTokens(userid)
postDelay = getUserPostDelay(userid)
# calculate current number of tokens
numberOfTokens += (currentTime - lastTokenTime) / postDelay
lastTokenTime += numberOfTokens * postDelay
# try to take a token. if there are no tokens, deny the post request
if(numberOfTokens > 0)
rejectPost("You're posting too often!")
# store number of tokens and last token time in DB