
Topic: Superstructure and Substructure (Read 104 times)

Activity: 96
Merit: 0
January 11, 2022, 07:14:44 AM
Superstructure is the state, which is also known as the Country or Nation.

Substructure is the economy.

Therefore, in any country, those who control the Substructure equally control the Superstructure. Those who control the Substructure are  "Capitalists", they use the country to do business in the international level, so the country Became a collateral in the international loans and others.

Great forum!! I think in terms of democracy, banks control the economy.
governments control the state(law and land)
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
December 30, 2021, 09:25:28 AM
banks are not an institution of the state.
banks are private businesses. REGULATED by state.

there is a difference.

a nations government or even a union government of many nations can close a bank and shift customers to another system. or shift to new systems, just look at the last 30 years where europe government changed the rules which made european banks stop handling francs, peseta's, lira and instead forced to only handle euro's

in the middle east many banks were shut down due to them facilitating terrorism.

its not like the banks "are government" they instead work in partnership with government with government being the rule setter.. and sometimes the loophole creator which can let some banks get away with certain acts.

but again this is different then saying that banks rule a nation
Activity: 1022
Merit: 1341
December 27, 2021, 01:53:55 PM
Sir, Bank is an institution of f the State, which is own by a Capitalist. So Bank can't control the economy (Substructure), bank is where money are kept for further usage.

Both the upper, middle and low class keep money in the bank for future use.

Substructure which is the economy is comprises of money and other resources like, crude, oils, Gold, Money, Agriculture, etc.

Therefore, Bank only deal on monetary transactions..and this who control the economy, control it from all aspects including education.

In my previous post, I made mention of the three worlds. First world= Agrirarian world which was base on the economy and there was trade by Barter. The Second world is the industrial world which is the world of Industries that causes the rise of capitalists. And the third world is the under-developed countries.

So those who control the Substructure equally control the Superstructure.. example. If your wife has money more than you in the family, she will control indirectly or directly.
Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
December 26, 2021, 07:02:04 PM
banks control the economy.
governments control the state(law and land)

there is a divide of power

you might think that banks control a country(thinking they are a shadow/puppetmaster of president/prime minister). but you would be wrong.

what you realise is. in democracy. where representatives listen to the citizens and the representatives guide laws towards citizens wishes, the 'citizen' in the case is not average joe family. its actually the large industry like banks and real estate/land owners.

citizens do not control the country. presidents and prime ministers do. they only lean towards favouring certain citizens wishes to just stay electable and to pander to things that can benefit the leaders.
this may appear like the banks control. but its not. its the banks ability to play the system by being the loud voice of citizens and bribe, show worthiness to be listened to for certain things.. but even then the actual nations leaders can still say no/not listen.

this is not control. else citizens(big industry) could change many many laws. but instead large industry have to plea their case to leaders. and hope to get a listening ear

a bank cannot press a big red button and send a nuke to N.korea
a bank cannot make it illegal to be gay, religious, or obese.
a bank cannot declare a certain day of the year as a "bank holiday" even when it has the word "bank" in the name
a bank cannot disband a government or set rules governments cant break

a government can declare certain bank notes no longer in circulation without needing the banks permission
a government can set interest rate limits on bank loans without needing a banks permission
a government can shut down a bank, or set rules/regulations on a bank

Activity: 1022
Merit: 1341
December 26, 2021, 06:26:37 PM
Superstructure is the state, which is also known as the Country or Nation.

Substructure is the economy.

Therefore, in any country, those who control the Substructure equally control the Superstructure. Those who control the Substructure are  "Capitalists", they use the country to do business in the international level, so the country Became a collateral in the international loans and others.
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