
Topic: [Survey] How much are my Drugs worth ? (Read 1361 times)

Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
February 09, 2017, 10:47:04 PM
Smells a bitch ya ..and i was a little paranoid guys would rob me too when i was doing the grow op.
You really can't trust anyone ever..

The smell also got me in trouble too.
The landlord said there was complaints from the neighbor house of pot smell..
So they went into my house when i was at work then came to my work and flipped out.
They were pissed off and said they talked to a cop friend of theirs but they can't do anything because they broke into my house illegally while i was at work.

So i had the old guy and girl farm land owners who were sitting there at my work bitching me out..
and they said i have to stop and i said yeah of course sorry no problem.. i said i didn't think it would be a problem.

At the time i had all the plants hanging upside down drying in the room from string. ROFL
..and yeah it stunk alright.. big time !
No way to avoid that with out expensive equipment i guess ?
(that is the biggest over looked problem with guys who think hey i will grow dope)

In the end they said they would be happy if i gave them a few bucks for the power usage.
They suggested $100 and i jumped at that and said hell yeah no problem !
Paid them and didn't do it again.

I went all out and had my fun so i was happy to have gotten away with it LOL
I had used a whole giant cube / bail of quality dirt the size of a washing machine.

I never sold any of it i recall too.. it was not about money.. just a pot head growing some dope to smoke.
Although i can't speak for my buddy who got his half LOL

In my Town Kelowna BC Canada
We have legal grow op's around town and they are in the news occasionally when they catch on fire.
We have Medical Marijuana dispensaries around town.
I basically have a room-mate with a medical marijuana card.. so i don't worry all that much about shit here and now.
But i sure as hell ain't growing anything.. my landlord would kick me out.
I mentioned that because ?

When i leave my house there is a grow or maybe 2 within 1 block of me..
The unmistakable smell of really good weed growing is recognizable.
One is a house and the other is a business that looks vacant.

I don't think they worry probably because there is a Biker Gang club house not that far away.
I think people these days realize if your rob someone you might get a bullet between the eyes.

All i know is i am a good boy now.. my last growing attempt was close to the year 2002 i think.
I have no interest in getting in trouble with the law now that i am older.

But i like seeing the possibility of Canadian law changing.. which it supposedly is RIGHT NOW !
Mark Emery (the legend) was in the news out east setting up Weed Shops and got busted in the news.
Our prime minister commented that what he did was still illegal until the law has officially been changed.
In other words our Prime Minister said he would change pot laws but it has not taken effect yet so the cops still have to arrest people.
Pretty quick we *should* have shops where you can just walk in and buy weed if you wanna smoke.
No medical doctors note needed !
I never thought i'd see the day.  Shocked

I am happy for the pot heads  Cheesy ..have fun guys Wink
Activity: 3388
Merit: 3514
born once atheist
February 09, 2017, 10:34:22 AM
ha! good story bro.
sounds like you went down all the same roads as me, cloning, metal halide, high pressure sodium .
yeah like you my best ever crop was also in dirt under old fashioned fluorescent grow tubes on pulleys surrounded by mylar.
i built my own auto watering system with a fish tank and pump and pipe fittings.
the skunk aroma was so strong visitors would mention it and ask wtf is that stink?
id just grin and change the subject, but they knew.
kept it under wraps for 2 cycles until some bastard thief broke in and raided it.
my outdoor patch was good for 3 seasons and made me a small fortune
before it got hit by the same scum bag.  that ended that operation.
Broke my cardinal rule... you don't blab to ANYONE!(and vent the aroma)
Had another hydro set up that ended in disaster  when the return drain pipe popped outta the
catch barrel and flooded the attic grow room.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
February 09, 2017, 05:30:02 AM
I like your story.. "Load"  Cheesy

First time i tried growing seriously was with a clone from a dealer / grower.
Me and my old buddy used clay pellets (hydro system)
It worked well and we got 1 gigantic female fast !
Although we had an issue with a 3rd roomy sneaking in to feed the plant too much though.
Which is the major draw back..
Once you go the water / fertilizer etc bad it hots the plant fast & hard.
Too much food equals a fast death..

Had to move so we didn't flower it.. made clone and gave them away.
No legal issues just moved to another town for better work.

I brought that up because i wanted to mention "cloning"'s not hat hard.
All we did was cut some of the plant off making sure you got a branching part
and then dip it into a special cloning solution.. vs using seeds (which can sprout makes traditionally)
Oh and we used a standard Metal Hallide light & reflector.. from a grow store.

Many years later i had a buddy giving me seeds from higher up guys in town from good strains.
Many were from seed banks and were expensive.. and my buddy who dealt a bit of weed around town said hey i will pony up the stuff we need if you grow it in your house.
I was already using my living room to sleep in as it is during summer so i had my bedroom empty and i lived alone on a farm.. on the outskirts of town.
So buddy picked up all kinds of stuff for the job including a digital PH pen and nice fertilizers and additives like some Kelp stuff.. PH balance kit stuff.. BUT !
This time i went with dirt !
I was a little skeptical it could be as good but i was surprised to see it was a great option.
Did some quick searching on how to do it right and stuck with the procedure closely.
The dirt option is a lot more forgiving for mistakes..

I had to turn on and off the lights manually if i recall correctly (this was many years ago now)
The odd time i forgot  Cheesy
Didn't make any difference though.
And this time i got a full set up of Metal Hallide for vegging then went with High pressure Sodium for Flowering.

My buddy left it all up to me and we agreed to split it in the end.
So i pretty much chose when to pull the trigger on flowering after consulting with him.
We knew we could flower them fairly quick if we chose to.
We even threw in a few more plants in the room after a month or two of an exotic strain.. Indica looking that came out crystaly with lots of deep purple with a unique smell.
All thew rest were some kind of Sativa with a good mix of hairs and crystal.
No idea what strain for sure but it was typical and good !
(it was easy to tell the two apart by the size and the leafs.. short fat stubby leaves vs long ones)

I don't know how many months i vegged them but i waited until they were like up to my chin almost.
They must have been 4 or 5 feet tall when we pulled the trigger on them.
I can't recall how many but there was probably a good 24 of them and a few feet around.
So they were pretty damn busy even before flowering.

The whole thing was about doing the classical route.
We did some pruning when it looked like it should be done but tried not to get weird about it.
It was about guys doing it old school with Dirt.

It turned out fucking awesome !
Got a few pounds i think.. i had a QP (quarter pound) stashed in many spots all over my house  Cheesy

Me and my buddy and friends / family that came by smoked it all in time.
I would have gown more but my landlord got pissed off at me about though ROFL

It was nice to have unlimited weed to smoke.
I even trade an ounce with another grower just so we had something "different" to smoke.

Flushed them good too Wink
I once smoked weed before that was like smoking a fucking fish ! ewww Sad

Anyway that was probably way back close to the year 2000 roughly.
I dunno i smoked a LOT of pot ! hahhaha
I worked a job at a Kitchen and i smoked weed before during and after 24/7 so my memory may be off a little.

I have not smoked since 2005 i think.
I support legalization etc i just don't have any interest in smoking anymore.
Back around 2002 i just started to forget to smoke my weed..
I noticed i would have a bag of it sitting on my table and i'd go all night long doing stuff like working on PC's etc and not remember to smoke.
Something just clicked and i guess i had enough.. have not smoked since or craved it.

And oh boy did i junk out for weed for a couple decades.. i was a hooked a hardcore chronic.
Getting crank and bitchy because i did not have weed was typical.
I think the issue was a larger drug addiction problem that was underlying.. that resolved itself in time.

It's nice not having the super high high's and ultra low low's now though.
But if ya all wanna smoke i don't give a fuck.. go hard  Grin

I did not post this to sell pot or anything (i still have precisely the same amount in the picture earlier)
I put the stuff into a sealed glass butter dish thing with locking seals (i REALLY stinks like hash big time)

I also started filtering the oil shit i mentioned earlier too and wow it looks like blood.. pure red !
When it is diluted with more ISO or dried a bit it looks golden yellow though.

It's not just fun SMOKING weed but screwing around with it all makin' oil or hash or cookies etc Cheesy
Activity: 3388
Merit: 3514
born once atheist
February 08, 2017, 10:23:22 PM
nice pics there bud!
been growing myself for past 20 years  as hobby.
now its legal in Ma. i can post about it.  Im allowed 12 plants. yay! thats about right for my purposes.
(just small time no big farm) you haven't indulged in like 5 years but still love to grow.
My neighbor is my quality tester .Needless to say he likes his job.
So this year had a small disaster . Came back from my vacation to discover I'd missed ripping up one sneaky male
who blew his pollen load all over my horny virgin females and they all went to seed! fuuuuuuck!!
Anyways , got some nice sticky icky smelly indoor AK 47 extreme bud going in cellar.
no males this time, damn sure of that!
the sweet smell is starting to infiltrate...
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
February 01, 2017, 05:41:37 AM
If i could share it with you all with out getting in trouble i would Wink

I still can't believe i pulled 16 grams of "kief" out of the 2 busters HOLY SHIT !
Daaamn i am almost tempted to start smoking again hahhaha

I do have some other shit on the go too... bit of bud sitting around.
And my last attempt to make hash like a year ago i ended up with a lot of super filtered crystal from the whole plants including buds.. problem was it came out a bit dry and not sticky enough to bind together.
But it looked golden etc.
I needed a press i think but didn't get around to doing it and wound up giving it away occasionally to friends.
Later i took my bag of crystal which i think weighed maybe 80 grams originally.
And i dumped it in pure ISO 99% and it's been sitting in there for probably 6 months now LOL
Since there was not 1 single spec of green it is still golden looking 6 months later.
I made oil from hash basically.. but still did not strain it out yet.

Usually when i made oil before i would wash it in ISO for no more that 60 seconds to avoid getting the green bullshit.
I did that with the same source material weed / bunk etc already and it came out like golden glassy rocks.
I kept giving it an old room-mate by handing it to him with my fingers.
It turned out like weed crack hahahha ..dry to the touch and cracks like glass etc.
And that will be shit compared to the next batch made from pure crystal.

I never bought anything except supplies for filtering etc eh guys.
It was free stuff i got just to tinker with for the hell of it.

I have lots of experience doing all that crap over the years.. growing or oil or hash or edibles etc.
I smoked hardcore for half my life roughly.
Not sure why i quite but i just did years ago.. no interest in smoking again.
If i get weed i just give it to friends for the hell of it.

Too bad i can't add some weed here as a forum attachment and posts "smells" Wink
sr. member
Activity: 281
Merit: 250
January 31, 2017, 01:56:23 PM
Very nice...!!!

full member
Activity: 168
Merit: 100
January 31, 2017, 07:55:33 AM
nice product mate Smiley
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
January 31, 2017, 07:54:29 AM
looks so delicious man, yom Smiley
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
January 30, 2017, 08:39:26 PM
I checked out a few online shops in canada it looks like its worth $15.00/gram for mixed strain grade A kief.

Ya i was thinking that roughly too but selling it on the street would be easier at $10 i bet.
I have not had anything to do with buying or selling weed in ages so i don't know the average prices for my town anymore.
It CAN vary !

10 years ago i knew dealers that would easily sell what i showed for $20 a gram no problem.
The thing is what i showed is not a manufactured product.
It is rare.. which is why i posted.

If any of you have scraped a bud buster before you know you don't get 16 grams.. that is sick !
I posted because i am stunned to hell i got that much out of it.. WOW !
When i used to smoke i would love having some to smoke and it would be gone FAST.
It takes AGES for the THC crystal to stick to the surface. (If you scrub it clean)

I wish i could post a smell.. it smells seriously fucking dank !
Sadly i forgot to take before-pictures showing how caked it was.
Underneath the layer of crystal was a layer of golden shit like hash stuck to it.
It was a bitch to scrape off.. i tried to shave it off with shard blade so it came off like crystal powder.

I was not sure how much i would get out of it and couldn't wait to weigh it.. 16 g's ? WOW !
It almost makes me wish i still smoked pot  Cheesy

I packed a full large bowl for my room-mate a while back and he did not know what it was or anything.
He never heard of a bud buster before.
I kept warning him.. dude this is gonna beat your ass down hard !
I think that 1 bowl full lasted him ages.. (he rarely smokes weed)
I also gave him a fat nug and said dump it out then sprinkle it on your weed. Wink

Canada is legalizing this shit !
Mark Emery defied the law and opened a couple pot shops out east.
Our Prime Minister was in the news saying YES we changed the law but it has not taken effect yet so he had to be arrested.. claiming we have to follow the law until it is changed.

I do not smoke pot but i support legalizing it.. *IF* it's managed properly.
Keeping it away from non-smokers is going to be key i think.
Canada is getting closer & closer to full legalization though Smiley

In my town there is lots of legal grow op's all over and stores that sell weed too.
For medical purpose though.. and i have a friend with a card for it too.
Activity: 89
Merit: 10
January 30, 2017, 03:14:45 PM
I checked out a few online shops in canada it looks like its worth $15.00/gram for mixed strain grade A kief.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
January 30, 2017, 11:47:51 AM
I bet.. that would be one bad ass pizza to knock you on your ass.
Making Ghee is an option too Wink
Heat butter.. throw in weed then filter it out and cool.. now ya got weed butter.
(eating it is always a huge body buzz if people don't know.. you will be tranq'd out hard)

I have successfully filtered lots of weed.
I used to have a buddy who would show up at my door with a garbage bag of weed with the big buds taken out.
So i would use a windows screen on it and eventually i used secondary methods too such as stuffing that filtered powder into a silk stocking and carefully tapping on it to release the super fine powder.
Then if you heat and or pack/compress that you got hash. (make honey oil with the rest too maybe)
My buddy later bought a bubble bag kit for water filtering but i never used it myself.

Last time i did that though it just didn't turn out well Sad
It was just slightly not sticky enough to want to bind together.

Unlike the bud-buster shit pictured which is dank as fuck.. the smell on it reeks like sweet hash !
And i was putting it into a glass butter container as i worked on it all and the powder was forming clumps just sitting in there over night.. so... i know it would pack together nicely into a big ball.

This was from 2 coffee grinders people use to grind up their dope..
SO it has a LOT of strains used in it over time.. it's a product from MANY varieties of weed.

I posted this because i have dealt with busters before but i never got half a fucking ounce out of it before.
These things were so caked holy shit !
Much of it was matted down into the buster forming a plaque of hash inside.
I had to try and shave it off into powder or chip it out with sharp tools... it was all a lot of work !
I'll prob try and hook up a friend with it or something / i don't smoke pot anymore.

If i didn't scrape it the broken bud-busters were going in the garbage.
So i figured i'd salvage it from the dumpster..

Years ago when i did smoke weed i know bud-buster crystal is some tasty god damn shit !
It's a fine delicacy because of all the variety of weed merged together and the purity / quality.
full member
Activity: 121
Merit: 100
I like boobies (o)(o)
January 30, 2017, 10:59:21 AM
That's a lot of hash u have there. When I grew I made has like this by dry sifting all the lesser buds and any honey leaves over a 100 micron silk screen. Normally I would smoke this over a couple of screens in a bong. Works greeeat but once I made pizza with it. I used about 3/4 of an ounce to make the pizza it was amazing.

I bought the dough and rolled it out, pizza sauce all over then the hash I spread it evenly over all the sauce. When I was done it was black and not red anymore. Then I added toppings, baked for 40 mins and we feasted. Just one friend and I ate the whole thing, we were high and had time loss for about 12 hours. Could barely walk like we were drunk. It was epic.

hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 501
January 30, 2017, 08:48:25 AM
I'd say 200 per zip is a safe bet.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
January 30, 2017, 03:59:47 AM
So i scraped my 2 bud-busters and weighed up all the THC crystals.

It shows 26.03 grams on the scale but the plastic thing that holds it weighs 10.38 ...
So.. i think it weighs 15.66 grams

I gave a big bowl full to a buddy so i prob got about 16 grams.

So i think i got a half ounce of pure crystal  Grin

I figure it's worth roughly $10 a gram so i got $150 worth.. AGREED ?

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