
Topic: [Survey] What Grinds Your Gears ? (Read 193 times)

Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
November 21, 2015, 01:30:51 AM
What Grinds -MY- Gears ?

Ohh hoo hoo don't get me started  Cheesy

First off before my "Legendary Rant" ..feel free to post your own guys !

So here is the thing..
I have dealt with various PC repair / sales shops in my town for service / parts etc.
And aside from 1 single time i have gotten an unending pattern of shitty attitude and service.
Today i went to a Computer shop in my town and i have been there lots over the years.
I had called 2 weeks earlier to get a quote on *cheap* Power Supplies..
The guy on the phone said we have two cheaper ones.. 1 for $39.99 and 1 for $49.99
So when i went in today and asked the guy about it he said nope.. starting price is $44.99
and he quickly told me he never talked to me on the phone and they never had any before for $39.99
First thing out of his mouth was.. he called me a liar !
I told him called 2 weeks earlier and he was sticking to his guns.

I shrugged it off as par for the course.. no surprise.
I mentioned to him i had bought some from them before and i had been a frequent customer.
And i tried to quickly tell him i had blown my power supply mining coins and overclocking my PC like 2years earlier.
He gave me an .. ohh yeah yeah coins and sort of didn't wanna hear it. (i guess he knew all about it)
So i told him i needed a PSU with the 8 pin connector trying to think off hand because i didn't plan on going in today.
And i couldn't recall what i had ..right now i have one i was going to swap over to another PC
but it only has a 4 pin CPU mobo connector.
I said i know i need an 8 or maybe 6 pin not 4..
He told me there is no such thing as a 6 pin CPU connector.. but what i meant was i was thinking out loud how
many PSU's have multiple pins you put together to fit.. such as 2 4pin plugs that fit together into an 8 pin slot etc.
Anyway i told him i can't even remember what i have and i was thinking for a second out loud.
I told him i know my 6 pin is for the GPU. (PCIE)
SO he suggests that i buy the 4 pin connector only PSU he has (or use my existing one) and just make it fit LOL
He says you don't really need the 8 pin.
Sort of funny because i didn't think of that actually, BUT it was bad advice for a customer.
I went with it thinking ok what ever.. silly but let's look at what else he has.

I told the guy i had bought a couple from them and i have 1 right now that has the plug i need
AND i had gotten it there fro $39.99.. even though he claims they never sold them
(i should go back in with my old receipt and shove it in his nose LOL)

Anyway what bothered me about that all was through it all the guy had an attitude from the start.
A bit of light chit chat and he was cutting me off rolling his eyes or one upp'ing me etc
I mentioned many years back in town i had a power surge that knocked out the power in the neighborhood
and that had tripped my power bar.. AND blown my PSU.
It was one i bought at another store he said doesn't sell good ones (which was false)
He claimed they were the only place that had good ones.
Even though his $45 one was crappier by far than the $40 one i had gotten several years earlier at his store
His cheapest $45 PSU was a horribly shitty no-name brand OEM style PSU no frills with a silver case
and an 80mm top mount fan.. 500 watt.
I brought up after the power outage i had soldered on new capacitors because i popped the case off
and i could see they were bulging and leaking out the top and i had cleaned it inside many times before too..
SO i said it has worked ever since i recapped it.. i gave it to a family member and i aid 15 years later is till runs.

Before i could finish talking he was giving me this ohh yeah i know i seen that and did that too millions of times.
I think he would have been 5 years old when i re-capped that mobo..he was that young LOL
And i highly doubt this kid has re-capped anything ever.
He was bullshiting.. and dishing out some condescending snotty little computer know it all attitude the whole time.

I had also told him i was surprised my ancient 300watt i am suing is even working
and i got attitude and he said oh you don't need much etc.. then at the end added depending on how much you have plugged in.
I am thinking uhhh.. yeah uhh no shit kid LOL
And i told him i had like 4 drives and lots of USB stuff etc

I ran a PC repair business i started on my own self employed for around 6 years.
I have re-capped many motherboards and fixed a billion PC's.. all with no complaints.
I really do know everything LOL
This snotty little shit knows fuck all !
I am surprised the cocky little puke could open the cash register.

I also had brought up myself did he have any USED PSU's or other parts (knowing they carry *some*)
He says ohh uhhhh yeah we have 1 used PSU and i was thinking why didn't he mention that to me ? i wanted cheap !
Right in front of me he starts starring off across the store humming and hawing about the price
then tell's me he wants $35 for it..
Then i asked well......... what is it ? 500 watt ? is it like that $45 one you showed me or what ?
He say sohh yeah.. uhh duhh.. it is the same one as the $45 one.
And i said so you want $45 new and $35 used ?
He says yeah.. i moved on from that point and started telling him i'd think about it all and come back maybe.

99.99% of people who work in any tech related store are inept cocky moronic condescending dipshits.
Such as recently when i got a case for my phone and another time a memory card at Wallmart
i keep seeing the same two guys never working talking behind the counter being loud mouth know it all's
And when i talk to them i get a massive wall of snotty condescending attitude.
I quizzed them a bit too before and they are morons dishing out bad advice.
I said i had to get a new mem card for my phone because it was crapping out..
they never heard of that before ever once LOL
I guess the Wallmart 20 year old's never heard of a micro SD car going back before.. idiots LOL

And that is all i have ever seen..
Another PC store i went to last every single time i had ever went in there i got condescending patronizing attitude
even after you explain you know your shit.. and then they guy would give me rip off quotes.
Then i'd leave money in hand saying no thanks LOL
I just seen that douchy faggot went out of business.. good.. fuck' em !

Sick of them all !
Young and old all you people out there that work in Computer stores etc are fucking idiots.
Plugging in a motherboard doesn't make you some expert.
Why do people *assume* everyone but them are brain dead grandma's that can't turn their Facebook on ?

..and yeah i had a house call from a chick that had me come across town when i ran my PC repair business
because her Facebook was broken.. when i got there it was working just fine LOL
But why do people in the repair industry assume everyone is dumb but them ?
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