I do ..i go to
www.spaceweather.com daily. (for obvious reasons)
I don't know of other sites like it but it's interesting.. seen it ?
For example they mentioned today the Moon + Venus + Mars showing in the sky at sun down..
I noticed it too actually and Venus was super bright but i did not notice Mars at all (seen news afterwards)
It's been years since i started going there.
Ever since i was out having a smoke one day in the summer..
I sat down with my back to the Sun and instantly it felt like my back hurt from radiation etc.
It seemed really unusual and i finished my smoke and went back in and looked on the web..
What did i see ? the URL mentioned earlier saying we were getting hit by an X class flare.
Connected ? i don't know but after that i was addicted to the site a bit.
Solar flares and solar wind etc can do a lot to us.
And the site does mention other related stuff too.
Space weather is just as important as normal weather !
I had never looked on the web for proof of a flare before nor do i recall feeling like that before either.
That was a weird summer day where it seemed the sun was *extra hot on my back.
I think it was too !