Ah great job as usual Vosk. I envy you as you seem to always make the right videos at the right time!
Talk about timing, which is actually very important in video production, but also in crypto mining. Time your coin dumps boys. Makes no sense to cash out now. Just use your fiat to pay for those electric bills if you really need to. An uptrend should be just around the corner.
thanks my friend
- I just get lucky sometimes xD
I'm with ya! I have seen a lot of miners get burned and it really comes back to two main things that burned them
1) They mined a speculative coin and lost big time (zcl->btcp was the largest scale recent one, and this depends on how you navigated this)
2) Constant cashing out to pay electric & to live etc, personally for me this is peanut butter and jelly season lol, hoping we still have a big year in store for us. .