Thank you for your reply.
The token was https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethereum-meta/ and as you see all exchanges are "N/A". The price was high and I couldn't swap it.
What error toy encountered while trying to swap? I haven't used pancake/traderjoe but I believe you will need to have some bnb for pancakeswap and avax for traderjoe -these are native chain tokens which are needed on these dexes to function.
Although, you can't directly swap to tether, swap to bnb first (if you gonna use pancakeswap) and then bnb to usdt.
Thank you for your reply.
That token is an Ethereum based token, so I need Ethereum. Am I wrong?
Hmm, not sure. Can you copy the contract address of ethm token you have? https://etherscan.io/ > enter your address > token > ethm > copy address under 'contract'
I see you swapped through uniswap, you can repeat same with ethm > usdt, but fees will eat most of that and with price decrease you will be at loss even more