For example: in finland the minimum salary should be 4000 EUR.
I can understand the argument behind minimum wages and it makes sense for some jobs. You are right that everybody deserves a certain living quality to have a happy and fulfilling life. There are two problems I have with minimum wages. First, some jobs involve money that is being paid outside of the tax scope, for example tips or builders on the construction site working Saturdays. All the money that can be hidden from the government makes a big difference. And the second factor that makes minimum wage unfair is the different living expenses. For example in the UK, it makes a huge difference if you life on London or in Wales/Scotland. Rent and food prices are depending on your location, so paying everybody the same minimum wage is unfair. The same in Finland, people in Helsinki need to pay much more than people who life in the countryside. Maybe a more dynamic approach to minimum wage, based on where you live would be better. It's sad that the economic model doesn't work and the government needs to intervene.