Read the first line and uncomment it to generate a new set of keys for the first time.
sx main thread:
# Uncomment this line to generate new keys.
#for x in `seq 1 3`; do sx newkey > pk$x; done
for x in `seq 1 3`; do cat pk$x | sx pubkey > pub$x; done
for x in `seq 1 3`; do cat pk$x | sx addr > addr$x; done
sx rawscript 2 [ `cat pub1` ] [ `cat pub2` ] [ `cat pub3` ] 3 checkmultisig > msig.script
cat msig.script | sx scripthash > 3addr
echo "Send 0.001 BTC to $(cat 3addr)"
echo "Enter Y to continue."
select yn in "Y"; do
echo "Pausing a few seconds before polling history"
sleep 10
sx history `cat 3addr` | grep Unspent -B 2 | grep output | awk '{print $2}' > unspent
cat unspent
if [ `cat unspent | wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then
echo "No funds sent to address."
INPUT=$(cat unspent | head -n 1)
sx mktx txfile.tx -i $INPUT -o 1Fufjpf9RM2aQsGedhSpbSCGRHrmLMJ7yY:90000
cat pk1 | sx sign-input txfile.tx 0 `cat msig.script` > sig1
cat pk3 | sx sign-input txfile.tx 0 `cat msig.script` > sig3
sx rawscript zero [ `cat sig1` ] [ `cat sig3` ] [ `cat msig.script` ] > input.script
cat input.script | sx set-input txfile.tx 0
sx broadcast-tx txfile.tx