A people counting APP - based on blockchainSmartphone's built in GPS- (GNSS-) receiver and Blockchain-anonymized users:
Users harvest store footfalls (= GPS coordinate points) that count as a direct indicator of the interest of the masses in specific stores, store segments or overall performance of a specific retail branch.
The app passively harvests significant coordinate points, starting with entering a significant perimeter of a store of interest (e.g. a fastfood restaurant).
Upon entering the store, the GPS connection gets interrupted, which generates a footfall signal.
The whole process is anonymized through blockchain.
The user gets passive income as long as the app is turned on throughout the whole day.
Real consumer insights:
-1:1 (real) footfall data
-1:1 (real) (out of home-) advertising measurement
-> accessible to the retailer and businesses through the SYNCR Coin.