Ya ok, I get that they're putting a lot of work in it, and I appreciate that... but my main question remains:
What are the advantages of putting a marketplace in a blockchain? What's the point? What are the advantages versus a centralised system like ebay (how will a blockchain compete with the efficiency a centralised system offers, how will syscoin deal with blockchainbloat, a blockchain is supposed to be immutable, a marketplace not (offers come and go...)).
Now, let's say I get a good answer to the first question, second question: why does a marketplace need its own coin? Syscoin says they will accept bitcoin and zerocash, so why do I need syscoin? I don't see ebay also accepting ebaycoin? So why sysCOIN?
So all respect to the devs, who indeed put in work, I'm totally not denying that, just fundamental question: Why put a marketplace in a blockchain, why does a marketplace need its own currency...
Thanks in advance,
best regards,