Cash Gold Bitcoins
Instantly transportable worldwide YES NO YES
Giant online transactions possible NO NO YES
Small online transactions possible NO NO YES
Impossible to inflate NO YES YES
Fast transactions across borders NO
Unfreezable account NO N/A YES
Private online transactions possible
Not confiscate-able
1. im standing at the border between 2 countries. with a gold nugget in my hand. a friend of mine is on the other side of the fence.. i throw him the gold nugget.. quarter of a second, no complaints
now im standing at the same fence, with a laptop, a friend of mine on the other side is doing the same. we are trying to find a wifi hotspot. we manage it finally, i send the bitcoin, he doesnt trust the coin is physically in his hand so he waits atleast 10 minutes for a confirmation. received (safety deposit box 279 at london bank holds the gold and cash, combination: 898934 it is now yours, bank has been informed of new owner. goodbye)
3. cash stored secretly is a fireproof box - cant confiscate it
gold stored secretly is a fireproof box - cant confiscate it
virus, hackers, scams take your coin - CAN confiscate it
again every rule has an exception