I am offering to change what the front page shows on my blog for a promotion to your referral link or website. I am charging 0.5 BTC for 1 month.
The traffic on my site can be realized here:
These views are for the last 24 hours
Most of my visitors hit the front page
So good traffic for your link or website.
The post will be a review or promo post your choice. For anyone who buys this I will send out an email about your product or service to the 60 people subscribed to my email list so far.
I am looking for a good website to take the front page. Let me know if you are interested. The URL is Bitcoinspies.com <--
With 200+ people viewing a day, you can see how taking my front page would be beneficial to you! If you have a good product/service/website it can be perfect for gaining tons of visitors from my blog!
If you have any questions comment below thanks for considering advertising on my blog. (Can also include a sitewide banner at no extra charge).
Remember the price is 0.5 BTC for one month I don't accept any other currencies at the moment.