I know being from the UK my tax is 24% which isn’t the best but it could be worse and happy to pay it when I have to.
I will just start paying tax then only once I have withdrawn back to my bank what I have put in over the last 3 years.
Keep in mind though that some exchanges like Coinbase report your entire crypto balance on the platform to the government tax agencies, so they might be able to see if you are hiding some more coins from them unless you only use the exchange for withdrawing.
This is exactly why you should be asking this here. It’s not just tax but cryptocurrency tax. It has a different deduction to it as opposed to the norms though, it works almost the same. It’s important to get the bases to this right than trying to cut corners which can result in tax evasion, a punishable offense by law.
Not having to pay any crypto taxes first hand, the much I’ve read talks about your profit being taxable and not your investment. If you have invested a total of $9k, that’s still within your capital. It doesn’t consider your profit and so, it shouldn’t be taxed. Just as you don’t tax shares that haven’t produced any profit.
Only when there is a profit of let’s say, you invested $9k and your balance has risen to $15k which is a $6k increment with $6k being your profit. The taxable amount here becomes the $6k.