This is an abstract kind of question so I am directing it in a separate thread so that it doesn't distract from the mammoth task @joker_josue and @TryNinja are undertaking to preserve legacy images that had been uploaded to third party websites and used on the Forum.
If I've missed any threads, please let me know. - Image hosting for BitcoinTalk[Script] Imgur to TalkImg - automatically fix your broken images[Script] Fix broken Imgur images forum-wide (client only)Known alts of anyone: User generated (Mk I - 2015 to 2016)[User Generated] - Known alts of anyone (Mk II - 2016 - 2017)Known Alts of any-one - A User Generated List Mk III (2017 - 2022)Known Alts of any-one - A User Generated List Mk IV (2022 - ongoing)
[BPIP] Bitcointalk Public Information Project [Back in Action]
A week ago, joker_josue created a thread to announce their website - the aim of which is to enable users to upload images that will be still viewed many years/permanently into the future.
Inspired by their work, TryNinja has created a script to port legacy images hosted by third party websites onto the website thus preserving them.
I've had a look through my own threads that I have created (~60 in all) and found at least a dozen were locked that contained images that I would like preserved and so I have unlocked them whilst I am in the process of porting the images from one hosting site to another. I've unlocked all of my threads whilst I am carrying this out and will then re-lock them once I am done.
This got me to thinking. In the case of the other contributors to the
Known Alts threads that I *can't* unlock?
The website offers a script which in part enables users to copy text that is contained within locked threads:
If a dummy UID were created by @theymos , posts from any locked threads could be quoted, posted to a thread in an obscure part of the forum (e.g. "archive" so as to avoid anyone seeing the post and replying), the images are ported and the post "edited" (or not) then the post is deleted thereby not skewering anyone's posts counts. Once the locked thread's legacy images have been ported to the hosting site, a PM is generated requesting the links be changed to the updated links which I imagine could also be done automatically via a dedicated UID that receives the notification and has admin privileges to unlock, modify, then lock the threads again.
I'm sure there are other threads whose images need preserving, so this would enable those threads to be freshened up but still remain locked.
Admins already have the ability to merge (or split) posts of others, so it is not like a bot couldn't just sweep said threads (or indeed the entire forum) in the background.
Thanks for reading / replying.