It would appear that Target is the current boycott to watch as people are unhappy with the 'tucking' clothing and pro-trans products being marketed to children. The left has finally gotten the right to start taking boycotts seriously. All it took was a man dressed up like a woman on a beer can. Do you think this boycott will be as effective as the Budweiser boycott? Target executives are already having emergency meetings to try and get ahead of this issue as they do not want their sales to reflect a 25% decline like Bud Light. i thought that conservatives/right were against cancel culture, but i guess the would be pointless to point out hypocricy as they seem to be totally unaware of it.
But what comes to their boycott, so far i haven't seen any company going broke because they included of being "woke" to their branding. In fact, quite the opposite.
But who knows, USA seems to have gone backwards after Drump gave them haters, qanon conspiratards, misogynists, regilious biggots, racists and spoiled insecure incels who now declare themselves as alphas a god damn megafone just by being an embodiment of them all.
From across the pond reading their tweets and news it seems like they are going straight towards "handmaid's tale" type of world.
Conservatives are against boycotting things for political opinions. Boycotting a brand that is helping perpetrate the largest child abuse scandal the world has ever seen seems a little more serious than trying to destroy an individual’s career because they said, “all lives matter.”
Cancelling people’s careers for saying common sense phrases everyone should agree with. Bad.
Not shopping at a store for trying to get your 4 year old son to cut off his dick. Good.
Is that simple enough for you to understand?