Ten of Cups
This card means that you will have a happy life surrounded by affection.
Your family will be numerous and your friends many.
You may marry your first love.
Not all cards are this upbeat and positive! I was going to do a single card reading here on a regular basis but the second one I did (a week after the first one) turned up a negative scary card so I didn't post it. The Egyptian Deck is not as upbeat and positive as some other decks- it pulls no punches. But this is a nice upbeat happy card! Happy happy!
More information about the Ten of Cups may be found here:
I don't bother with "reversed" cards when I do a reading, BTW. Tarot is complicated enough as it is...
A reading is half a bitcoin! Such a deal!
Is Tarot scientific? I'm as much into science and math as anyone. I've studied the history of science and graduate level physics. I'm not a "psychic" and anyone can learn Tarot. However, Tarot practitioners improve by doing it (just like as with a lot of things) and I've been doing it for a while. I'm as skeptical as anyone. I think there are scientific reasons and/or explanations as to why Tarot works. It's not superstition or magic. Theories aside though, I would've lost interest in Tarot a long time ago if I hadn't seen it work first-hand myself. All that said, it's just entertainment!