Do I need to be familiar with any programming languages? Because I observed "0,1 and a few letters" used to describe a transaction hash and also sometimes stuff like "git" while browsing through some old threads, and it made me wonder how you get to know such? Can someone who does not know how to code excel in this area? Or should I simply stick to the basics I already know about bitcoin, such as wallet types, a few things regarding security and privacy, and some other things I've read about but haven't been able to put into practise?
Knowing programming in general helps but it is not mandatory to understand a lot of stuff in Bitcoin. There is nothing that you "should" learn because it all depends on your interests and how deep you want to dive. Try to start small because the amount of information is massive and you can get overwhelmed very quickly. A good place to start is the source I post at the end. You can move to learning programming in the second phase.
Speaking of "real life," if I don't receive any hands-on experience, would I still understand what they're saying? Because, based on what I've seen, having a full node will cost me more than I can afford owing to the size and data required to sync/download the entire blockchain, will I still be able to do well with only rudimentary knowledge?
You don't need to run a full node if you want to learn more a bout Bitcoin at a technical level.
You also don't need to run a full node if you want to use bitcoin, you can use SPV clients such as
Electrum that are light and don't consume that much space/traffic.
Finally, if you were to suggest your top three sites for learning the technical parts of bitcoin, excluding this forum, what would you recommend, keeping in mind that I have no programming expertise and only know the basics of bitcoin?
The best source in my opinion to get you started is questions and more technical knowledge apart from this forum you can use the site and the section of website alongside the wiki