
Topic: Teknochain Cryptocurrency Market (Read 181 times)

sr. member
Activity: 308
Merit: 250
October 29, 2017, 02:11:10 PM
First of all, you should move this to the service announcement board for optimum results. Second, instead of just giving the website url, provide some facts and features of the site explaining what it is all about and why one should join it.
Activity: 3206
Merit: 1348
October 29, 2017, 12:09:57 PM
Nice site. Unfortunately I don’t really understand the text bar the Coin price list. Having been said I don’t persoanlly see a need for it as if I wanted to see a list of all the top coins and their prices I could just check out coinmarketcap and see a lot more information (volume, market cap etc) at the same time.
Activity: 34
Merit: 0
October 29, 2017, 11:54:00 AM
Hi everyone

you should visit our cryptocurreny market

please help us improve it
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