I would like to understand something that I have never seen. Our telegram group of Vertex is currently being flooded by users. I mean FLOODED. over 2k users in 2h and it doesn't stop
Of course we have a bot in place to ban those users as they don't pass captcha but its annoying and much more, I do not understand why.
How is it for anyone in any way economical to do that? what is the purpose of that?
I am aware of the occasional 10 users joining and then starting to spam but this? thousands of users?
Has anyone ever experienced this?
Maybe we are not the only group this happens.
Yes, but the fact that I own the group and I have not paid anyone to add thousands of members (our bot is kicking them out anyway). This is the entire reason for the post: why would someone add them into the channel, for free. what is the purpose of this. There is no sesnse in doing that. adding 20 members to spam a link, fair enough. but 10k into a channel with 1k members?
I was hoping someone knows the reason behind it, just so I understand the dyamics and learned something.