"Durov’s idea is to launch an entirely new blockchain, using the Telegram’s 180 million users as rocket fuel to power forward into mainstream adoption off cryptocurrency and making Telegram, effectively, a kingmaker of other cryptocurrencies, because of its existing scale.
According to Telegram’s white paper that TechCrunch has review portions of, its cryptocurrency will be called “Gram” and could potentially gain immediate mainstream adoption by being tied to Telegram’s chat app."
They are building a whole new blockchain! Using the power of the users. Brilliant! But, if lots of large social platforms do the same thing, users may begin to experience slowed CPU performance when multiple sites are open..... ??
Just imagine when it really will happen how it will converts the world of social networks! Telegrams is one of the most popular messengers and when it'll move to the crypto then it will be the most advanced! I hope this is not for the sake of hype.