While I'm stuck here waiting in the Newbie section, I figured I'd share a little trick for Linux/AMD GPU miners. I am not near my mining rigs for most of the day, so I put a few scripts together to record GPU temps for me and save them for me to view when I want to. I am not a scripting expert, so I'm open to suggestions, but these work for what I want.
1: create a script to check the temperature of the cards, and store it in a file.
date >> /home/your_directory_here/temperature_history.txt
sudo -u your_login_here DISPLAY=:0 aticonfig --odgt --adapter=all >> /home/your_directory_here/temperature_history.txt
echo "************************************************************************************************
************************************************************************************************" >> /home/your_directory_here/temperature_history.txt
2: make the script file executable.
3: create a directory to store all of your log files in.
4: add a cron entry to run the script at whatever interval you want (1 min, 5 mins, 15 mins, etc)
crontab -e
Add the line below to check it every 15 minutes:
*/15 * * * * /home/your_directory_here/your_script_filename_here
5: create a script to rotate the file every night.
now=$(date +"%m_%d_%Y")
mv /home/your_directory_here/temperature_history.txt /home/your_directory_here/Temperature_History/temperature_history_$now
echo "History of GPU Temperature" > /home/your_directory_here/temperature_history.txt
6: make the rotate script executable.
7: add a cron entry to run the rotate script nightly at the same time.
crontab -e
50 23 * * * /home/your_directory_here/temperature_nightly_rotate.sh
That's it! Now you can go back and analyze GPU temp anytime you want.