8. If you miss a breakout, don't chase it. Traders who lack discipline simply become chasers and that's a perfect recipe of bankruptcy. Waiting is the hardest thing in trading which is stupid because there's a new opportunity every hour.
Source: https://twitter.com/EmperorBTC/status/1486348522408808457Emperror BTC is definitely good in teaching other traders about the underlying technicalities in Day Trading, however, as a newbie or even an amateur, we need to cherry-pick some of their advices and tweak it according to our setup.
Looking at other stock traders, we can see that missing a breakout and not chasing it hinders our potential to profit in the market. And the phrase "buy low, sell high" has been hammered into our heads for so long that we believe it is the only way to profit from the market.
There is this strategy that I have learned on reddit which I shared here few week ago, that "buying high, selling higher" is also a viable strategy as long as you know
Relative Strength/Relative Weakness (RS/RW) vs SPY(BTC) . It is basically a method where you analyze the market first which is the leading asset on a particular market and trade it using your technical analysis to determine when to enter and exit.
For example.
A crypto is showing signs of Relative Strength if:
- BTC goes up, ABC crypto is going up as well.
- BTC is flat (sideways), ABC crypto is going up
- BTC is down, ABC crypto isn't that much affected
Relative Weakness if
- BTC goes up, ABC crypto is'nt showing strong uptrend.
- BTC is flat (sideways), ABC crypto is going down
- BTC is down, ABC crypto is exponentially going down.
Therefore, buying high and selling it at a higher price is still doable as long as you compare the crypto you are going to trade against BTC as an identifier if the upward movement will going to continue or not.
Thanks for listening to my TEDTALK.