TeroCoinAn Eco-Financial project started April 2017 by Tero Reserve Foundation in Costa Rica. TeroCoin is the world’s first organic, Earth-friendly, fully value backed next generation electronic currency.
Each Terocoin represents, and is fully backed by, one square meter of land held in the Tero Reserve Foundation land trust. The land is in its natural state, unoccupied by humans, with all of its natural flora and fauna intact. As such, it represents a truly global asset inherently valuable to Earth itself and all of the planet's inhabitants. As an intrinsically valuable, durable, divisible, portable, transferable, and fungible token, TeroCoin has all of the monetary characteristics required to make it a fully functional and practical medium of exchange. All while enabling the token's users to do their part in protecting and preserving the planet!
Token Sale
TeroCoin will be released in three stages. In all stages, only backed tokens will be issued, meaning that a token can exist if, and only if, the Tero Reserve Foundation already has the reserve land available to back it up.
The first stage begins in June 2018 and in this stage tokens will be released directly to large supporters of the project who agree to acquire a minimum of 100,000 tokens.Tero Reserve Foundation already has a large percentage of the commitments necessary to complete this stage so if you are interested in participating at this level please contact us immediately. At this stage TeroCoins will make tokens available at the lowest possible price per token.
In the second stage tokens may be acquired in blocks directly from Tero using Ethereum. A larger, but still limited number of tokens will be entered into circulation in this manner.
In the third stage TeroCoins will no longer make tokens available directly to its users. Tokens will only be sold directly into the market on participating exchanges.
Tero Reserve Foundation will create Balance between technology and mother earth.
Costa Rica
The first coins issued will be backed by land in Costa Rica. Costa Rica has been chosen for various reasons: First and foremost, the country has a long history of stable democracy and property rights are well-recognized. Both nationals and foreigners may own property there without restriction. Additionally, the Costa Rican people and government are both very proud of their country’s natural resources and consider their country to be in many ways a natural reserve to been joyed by the people of the world.
The country has a very strong eco-tourism industry with people visiting every year from all over the world to enjoy Costa Rica’s natural beauty. Upwards of 25% of the country’s land mass is already reserved in the form of national parks, which demonstrates Costa Rica’s commitment to the conservation and preservation of nature. The most important fact is that Costa Rica is a member of the exclusive club of countries that runs on clean energy, with most of their electricity being generated by hydroelectric, geothermal, Eolic and solar technology.
The TeroCoin ICO begins on September 15th and ends by December 1st 2018, for more information please visit our sites:
facebook.com/teroreserveThis is the official announcement of the TeroCoin Thread.
This thread is started by the TeroCoin Developing team. We are happy to take on any feedback you post here. We welcome diversity of opinions and we encourage everyone to constructively support the TeroCoin project. Please support this project by spreading the word on social media.