
Topic: testing something. please don't delete (Read 387 times)

sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 306
November 19, 2018, 03:37:35 PM

youtube is not supporting
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Activity: 1022
Merit: 306
October 12, 2018, 03:13:31 PM
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Activity: 1022
Merit: 306
October 11, 2018, 06:48:27 AM
I'm using lorem ipsum to learn codes.
sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 306
October 11, 2018, 04:19:02 AM
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ut accumsan dolor. Sed pulvinar velit quis ex molestie, eu feugiat est sagittis. Maecenas in congue ligula. Nulla tempus feugiat finibus. Aliquam vel felis sed quam fringilla auctor et sit amet risus. Praesent ut pretium metus. Donec ac venenatis diam, eget mollis mauris. Cras eget tellus metus.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam tempor, nisl semper pellentesque congue, nisi lorem feugiat quam, sit amet venenatis turpis purus a urna. Suspendisse at risus lacinia, vehicula diam eget, viverra elit. Aliquam a est aliquam, ultrices mauris vel, ultrices lorem. Aliquam non consequat ante. Curabitur accumsan lobortis nibh, vel placerat augue maximus et. Mauris non feugiat leo, ut feugiat massa. Vivamus magna lorem, egestas at elementum et, maximus vel odio. Suspendisse imperdiet eget odio vel gravida. Nullam in fermentum arcu. Sed eleifend erat quis tincidunt varius.

Nulla aliquam felis eget ultricies venenatis. Etiam dictum orci lobortis pulvinar interdum. Duis dapibus quam et velit ornare ornare. Aenean est mauris, auctor vitae mauris sed, euismod elementum diam. Fusce gravida finibus mauris, a interdum elit rhoncus quis. Praesent vel facilisis eros, viverra facilisis sem. Vestibulum eu finibus mauris, at rutrum justo. Sed porta odio vel rhoncus finibus.

Fusce gravida euismod gravida. Cras facilisis vel quam eget vehicula. Sed orci dui, laoreet et justo at, viverra congue nisl. Pellentesque mattis, nisl molestie consequat aliquet, diam justo accumsan odio, a posuere est orci at justo. Duis nec felis ullamcorper nisl ultricies porta ut in purus. Morbi mattis nec tortor id vestibulum. Ut ornare nec erat a sagittis. Cras massa neque, vehicula sed risus a, ultricies varius nibh. Etiam in urna sit amet sapien vehicula luctus quis ut sapien. Vivamus dignissim risus nec turpis ornare, eu placerat lorem bibendum. Phasellus consequat arcu ac ex tempus convallis. Vestibulum et metus commodo, auctor lacus non, lacinia nunc. Duis tempor posuere neque nec lobortis. Fusce dictum placerat nunc id consectetur. Aliquam ac leo vitae enim elementum viverra vitae eu nisi.

Fusce non orci mauris. Maecenas dictum, lorem sit amet sollicitudin ultrices, velit ex maximus ex, sed porttitor sapien neque sed magna. Maecenas tristique rhoncus euismod. Fusce ipsum massa, dictum congue posuere eu, sollicitudin id eros. Nam eleifend tempus feugiat. Sed ac consequat ligula, vel placerat odio. Vestibulum semper porta nisi, vel ultrices eros elementum faucibus. Curabitur eget mollis erat, tempus molestie quam. Sed ullamcorper tempor dapibus. Mauris nisi dui, rutrum et aliquet eget, porttitor sed ante. Sed et libero nec purus pharetra pharetra nec commodo leo. Integer vulputate ante volutpat nulla elementum gravida.

Sed elementum sollicitudin purus nec maximus. Sed at viverra ex. Mauris dapibus nisl in magna facilisis fringilla. Sed ut massa dignissim, tincidunt neque vitae, dapibus nulla. Morbi id ligula non risus interdum convallis ut a libero. Aliquam in mauris lobortis, pretium lacus in, venenatis eros. Aliquam dictum pharetra ante, non tristique purus porta in. In nec arcu scelerisque, pulvinar nibh in, vehicula felis. Donec lobortis auctor sapien, ut bibendum massa tempus quis.

Duis erat massa, ullamcorper vitae quam nec, ullamcorper pretium velit. Nam nisl lacus, fermentum a maximus vitae, pellentesque sit amet quam. Integer congue fringilla vestibulum. Cras vitae vulputate magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras gravida nec elit non vehicula. Nullam id justo justo. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec eget quam ultricies, maximus erat ut, fringilla nisi. Suspendisse tincidunt sit amet velit id rutrum. Integer pretium lectus eu enim feugiat, non venenatis nibh feugiat. Aliquam gravida magna est, nec ullamcorper tortor mollis ac. Integer nec tempus ex. Nam rutrum imperdiet malesuada.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras et sodales odio. Donec eleifend ipsum arcu, ut finibus erat semper vel. Quisque non lobortis diam. Etiam interdum euismod elementum. Etiam dapibus lorem velit, vitae tempus lorem vestibulum ac. Nunc efficitur mauris ac condimentum dictum. Nunc vel dictum tellus. Maecenas sit amet turpis at nibh vulputate luctus. Nam maximus enim in finibus condimentum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin lacinia molestie felis, non mollis tellus fermentum non.

Fusce tempus congue massa non tempor. Phasellus aliquet lacinia libero, id placerat augue dapibus in. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras eu volutpat magna. Sed lobortis nibh id metus lobortis, ut auctor justo ultrices. Quisque scelerisque commodo semper. Integer vitae dui justo. Etiam rhoncus pharetra augue, non accumsan nibh ultrices sed. Curabitur suscipit gravida sodales. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Nulla congue nulla quis euismod dignissim. In sollicitudin magna nulla, eget interdum sem molestie fermentum. Nulla id cursus nulla. Duis lacinia lectus dolor, sit amet placerat dui interdum eget. Mauris sit amet aliquet sapien, vel porttitor diam. Maecenas sed ligula sodales, congue justo et, accumsan magna. Sed elit turpis, efficitur nec ante eleifend, tincidunt hendrerit purus. Suspendisse feugiat, sapien ac vestibulum ultricies, diam eros iaculis enim, a consequat ex nulla eget mi. In non magna ut nulla sodales aliquam.

Maecenas leo augue, sagittis nec metus a, tristique venenatis nibh. Vestibulum eget ligula eu dolor tincidunt dapibus vel eget diam. In hendrerit pellentesque dapibus. Curabitur a magna turpis. Praesent efficitur ornare odio vitae scelerisque. Curabitur sit amet faucibus odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sit amet mauris lacus. Sed nisl mauris, laoreet ut erat sit amet, varius ultrices elit. Curabitur non dapibus turpis, id sollicitudin odio. Sed nec mauris lectus. Vivamus porta dui urna, vel varius odio scelerisque pellentesque. Mauris lacus massa, feugiat id velit nec, condimentum pharetra nibh. Aliquam facilisis eleifend aliquam. Praesent dolor massa, facilisis in volutpat non, iaculis sit amet urna. Proin fringilla nulla ex, ac vehicula arcu rhoncus in.

Aliquam fermentum sodales viverra. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas vel tellus nisl. Donec pharetra erat et accumsan tincidunt. Vivamus commodo suscipit nibh, in finibus justo lobortis eu. Etiam vel lacus massa. Proin tincidunt mi imperdiet, sagittis augue at, mollis turpis. Etiam lacinia condimentum elit eget tincidunt.

Nullam et pellentesque sapien, ut luctus lorem. Vivamus commodo mauris a tristique vehicula. Fusce sagittis lorem sed neque aliquet malesuada. Donec viverra diam quis gravida congue. Integer consectetur risus non blandit fermentum. Mauris sed justo eget magna cursus ullamcorper. Quisque mollis, est vitae aliquam suscipit, quam orci fermentum libero, at elementum magna orci quis neque. Vestibulum sed consequat ex, eget tempus sem. Phasellus in vulputate leo, sit amet commodo mi. Aliquam quam ex, consectetur a tempor id, pellentesque et est. Nunc in ullamcorper augue.

  • Cras at nunc sollicitudin, mattis erat sed, interdum mi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean venenatis, mi nec convallis sollicitudin, metus justo tristique quam, sit amet venenatis enim dui sed lectus. Nullam lobortis, orci sit amet eleifend vestibulum, tellus nulla mollis justo, quis venenatis dolor tortor quis felis. Sed mi nulla, dapibus sit amet libero quis, ultricies feugiat orci. Proin ultrices non ante a tempor. Praesent sit amet aliquam eros. Donec ac odio vitae neque posuere tempus a sit amet elit. Nunc tortor nisl, pulvinar bibendum ipsum eget, lobortis convallis eros. Nam vitae sollicitudin felis. Cras id fermentum lorem, ut elementum ante. Proin convallis tortor vel auctor vulputate.

Nunc vitae mattis felis. Quisque imperdiet vitae tortor non tincidunt. Integer in laoreet odio, et vulputate risus. Mauris neque lectus, vehicula eget orci vitae, fermentum malesuada dui. In quis feugiat nibh. Vestibulum pretium accumsan mi, non tincidunt odio porttitor non. Proin risus ex, bibendum ornare egestas quis, mollis vitae erat. Nulla velit tortor, porttitor et interdum ut, tempor nec diam. Sed cursus risus ac imperdiet tincidunt. Sed pharetra egestas mi, ut fringilla justo porta ac. Morbi varius porttitor tortor, eget accumsan orci bibendum vel. Sed commodo consectetur tellus, eget scelerisque lacus iaculis ut. Praesent faucibus cursus lorem quis efficitur. Morbi at hendrerit quam, malesuada rutrum neque. Mauris consequat fermentum quam, a sagittis dui.
sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 306
October 11, 2018, 04:16:55 AM

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras in tristique ipsum. Suspendisse vitae nunc eu eros blandit rutrum non sed ipsum. Curabitur faucibus tristique vulputate. Vivamus venenatis lectus eget dui posuere, id sagittis tortor blandit. Nunc semper sed tortor non tincidunt. Duis quam est, tincidunt eu eros sed, aliquet iaculis magna. Nulla nibh orci, pharetra eu semper consequat, semper ut neque. Suspendisse id velit et nunc dapibus feugiat.

Fusce ac lobortis libero, sed vestibulum eros. Ut non elementum nisi. Nullam lacus sem, auctor facilisis molestie eget, porttitor at lectus. Vivamus nec mauris ut nunc sagittis elementum non quis risus. Donec finibus scelerisque molestie. Fusce viverra felis id ante iaculis feugiat. Morbi ultricies porttitor pharetra. Praesent euismod varius tellus eu fringilla. Donec vestibulum commodo ante, varius lacinia purus porta eget. Morbi pulvinar urna nulla, vitae mattis justo suscipit ac. Aenean volutpat arcu ut sodales commodo. Donec et volutpat odio. Maecenas vulputate augue quis nibh posuere varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Nunc ut odio tristique, ultrices nisi sit amet, tincidunt lectus. Maecenas nisi velit, fringilla in mauris id, fermentum auctor lacus. Vivamus dignissim ligula ex, id finibus lacus varius ac. Maecenas rhoncus felis vitae ligula tempor, in tristique ante aliquam. Praesent luctus mauris id eros lobortis, eu sagittis erat tristique. Vivamus fermentum lorem urna, nec placerat dui interdum quis. Quisque vel mi vel metus tincidunt faucibus. Donec tristique, neque quis luctus gravida, felis justo volutpat nisl, sodales consectetur ipsum purus ut neque. Praesent eu purus mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ut pulvinar lectus. Nunc fermentum sollicitudin velit eu porttitor.

Morbi nulla mi, rutrum id dictum eget, gravida eget erat. Suspendisse ut nibh urna. Pellentesque accumsan porta elit, vitae aliquet ligula placerat consectetur. Nullam et mi vitae massa mollis ornare ac at nibh. Mauris lobortis sodales nulla eu cursus. Quisque consectetur ante ac dolor maximus, at faucibus nisi mollis. Aliquam euismod diam sed tincidunt interdum. Pellentesque rutrum eros eget suscipit ultricies. Etiam commodo pretium erat, nec eleifend metus elementum quis. Fusce rutrum tortor eu finibus consequat. Maecenas sed varius ante. Phasellus hendrerit dolor arcu, fermentum porta est commodo eu. Integer mollis faucibus orci, lobortis fermentum quam feugiat ut. Mauris iaculis est quis ex sollicitudin, nec sollicitudin turpis porttitor. Donec aliquam elit eu magna tempus, quis ultrices lectus porttitor. Morbi felis mi, auctor vitae aliquet eu, iaculis nec nibh.

  • Donec vehicula convallis risus, et molestie metus lobortis porta. Fusce dignissim justo at lacus efficitur, ut porta odio rutrum. Morbi orci odio, sagittis nec venenatis nec, ultricies nec ipsum. Etiam lacinia et augue eu suscipit. Nunc ut porttitor tellus, nec molestie massa. Aliquam vestibulum sed lorem posuere hendrerit. Pellentesque non varius lectus. Phasellus sit amet massa neque. Nullam blandit non leo a porttitor. Donec quis commodo felis. Vestibulum maximus, lacus quis accumsan porta, lacus turpis rutrum neque, non consectetur mauris ex nec dolor. Integer massa magna, volutpat eget neque ac, mollis ultrices metus.
sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 306
October 11, 2018, 03:47:09 AM
Spoiler is not working of course.

[URL=https:///][/URL] [URL=]uploads[/URL]


sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 306
October 11, 2018, 03:46:12 AM
sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 306
October 11, 2018, 03:15:08 AM

free photo hosting

free photo hosting" target="_blank">" border="0"/>" target="_blank">" border="0"/>
sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 306
October 11, 2018, 03:13:15 AM
sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 306
October 10, 2018, 02:12:02 PM
addSurrounder("someIcon.jpg","start"," and the end","Thing name");

sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 306
October 10, 2018, 02:10:24 PM
Ł Ð Ξ ɱ

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Activity: 1022
Merit: 306
October 10, 2018, 02:08:29 PM
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sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 306
October 10, 2018, 02:04:55 PM
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A Content Sharing Marketplace Built on Blockchain
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sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 306
October 10, 2018, 02:04:23 PM

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A Content Sharing Marketplace Built on Blockchain
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sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 306
October 10, 2018, 02:03:49 PM
how can I image to forum code? is there anyone know it?
sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 306
October 10, 2018, 02:03:26 PM
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sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 306
October 10, 2018, 02:02:13 PM
[size=91 is not working of course Cheesy
sr. member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 306
October 10, 2018, 02:01:56 PM
          [size=91]Saisho: Invest and profit from the next Picasso, Keith Haring and Jeff Koons 🎨[/size]

          [size=91]ICO Website | WebsiteWhite Paper[/size][/b] [size=91]| One Pager[/color] [/size][/b]

          [size=91]Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn  Telegram| Medium|[/size]

          Saisho is an online art marketplace where prices are governed by transparent and objective market criteria, giving the buyers the chance to acquire original artworks with a clear understanding of its value providing, at the same time, artists access to the market under equal conditions.

          [size=145]The challenge of the art-world status quo[/size]

          The Global art sales rose to $63.7 Billion last year , excluding potential art collectors and many up and coming artists s. Despite its relevance in the global economy, the art market is characterized by its exclusivity, lack of liquidity, price manipulation, secrecy and lack of transparency.

          Price of  artworks is generally defined by recognition of the artist mostly based on subjective criteria. Even though the online art market is in constant growth, there are just few solutions that are able to actually disrupt it.


          [size=145]Meet Saisho: the decentralized art ecosystem[/size]

          Saisho seizes the opportunity to create a truly transparent self-regulated market to connect artists, collectors and patrons to change the way in which they sponsor, create and monetize potential groundbreaking artworks of the future.

          Saisho Market System Goals

          • Offer the buyer an understandable  rationale on the artwork´s pricing strategy 
          • Provide visibility to the artist and the evolution of his or her prices at our platform ole process, not only in the moment of the purchase, but also in the price formation per artwork, imitating the artwork implicit prices formation that is currently happening in the market, and allowing the artist to sell more in quantity and higher in price.
          Saisho Market System allows users to resell an artwork previously purchased at our platform Therefore,  Saisho market meets all the criteria  to become an online real-time quoted artistic market worldwide.

          [size=145]Blockchain powered[/size]

          Blockchain could revolutionize the art industry by resolving questions related to provenance,transparency, copyright, and ownership issues. Art startups are already building real-world applications based on blockchain, but there are no blockchain initiatives in the fine art space with a patronage investment focus.

          Saisho is governed by a pricing system for each participating artist and the evolution of the art work´s price is based on his or her sales. This allows potential ICO investors to estimate the potential returns in the coming years within different scenarios regarding the number of artworks previously sold.

          How it works

          In order to create this art patronage market ecosystem, Saisho works with two types of tokens with different functionalities and characteristics:
          Saisho Token (ST) and Artist Token (AT)

          [size=145]Why Saisho?[/size]

          • Experienced and successful team
          Our team has deep expertise and experience in product and software development, the art industry, investment banking, blockchain, marketing and communications. We also have a strong and committed advisory team and top legal and tech partners.

          • Solid and ambitious project background
          Saisho marketplace has been under development for the last 18 months to disrupt a $1.64 trillion global market. Blockchain plays a key role to help us decentralize and bring efficiency to the art ecosystem by allowing people from all around the world invest and monetize promising artists.

          • Product already under development
          Saisho marketplace is already in beta and being tested in the Spanish market. You can also test our patronage MVP, running in a full blockchain infrastructure based on real transaction requests. Try it now.

          [size=145]Saisho’s team[/size]


          ICO Info

          Pre-sale: 31 December 2018
          Pre-sale Hard Cap: 10MM EUR
          ICO sale Hard Cap
          Our model doesn’t have a hard cap, so it will depend on our investors. The more we raise, the faster we’ll develop our product and our expansion.

          Soft cap: 81K EUR

          Tokens Distribution: 50% Artists Fundings ; 43% Development (Technology, Marketing and Operations); 1% Team; 6 % Bounty and Advisors ,

          Accepted purchase payment: EUR, USD, ETH, BTC

          Vesting: We don’t reward with Saisho Tokens nor Artist Tokens, so there is no token lock up needed.

          Please check our ICO FAQ questions for more info

          [size=145]JOIN SAISHO![/size]

          sr. member
          Activity: 1022
          Merit: 306
          October 10, 2018, 01:58:06 PM
          i need all cods of forum. for ex iurl is a great code
          sr. member
          Activity: 1022
          Merit: 306
          October 10, 2018, 01:56:04 PM


          SMART VALOR is starting its Official Community Rewards Program in order to reward its supporters with VALOR tokens.

          A total of 300.000 VALOR tokens will be allocated to the first stage of the Rewards Program

          The program will run until the end of the Token Sale. The rewards will be paid within 30 days after the end of the Token Sale and will have a lock-in period of 1 month (for the first 1000 VALOR) or 2 months (for anything above 1.000 VALOR). To receive tokens as part of this bounty program, participants need to have earned a Minimum of 50 Valor tokens

          General Rewards distribution:

          .GENERAL RULE.

          All campaign participants are required to join Smart Valor’s Telegram group:


          WEEK 1: DD/MM/YYYY - DD/MM/YYYY

          This part consists of two tasks:

               1. Translation of ANN+Rewards thread
               2. Creation and moderation of local Telegram/Wechat/Kakaochat/Line groups

          Stakes earned will depend on the activity in the thread and the number of members in the Telegram/Wechat/Kakaochat/Line group(except Chinese).

          Translation of pinned message from main group: 10 stakes + 2 stake/member at the end of campaign
          ANN+Rewards threads: 50 stakes + 5 Stakes per valid post


               1. Send an email to [email protected] with the following details:
                         Native language
                         Part of Rewards you apply for (ANN/Telegram)
                         Translation/moderation experience (if any)
                         Bitcointalk username
                         ERC-20 wallet address
               2. After being accepted and completing the translation, Post in this thread with a link to the translated thread or whitepaper

               1. Participants are required to keep the local thread and Telegram groups alive by posting and translating regular updates, news or any important announcements. A single post thread will be rejected.
               2. Automatic (Google or similar) translations or translations with low quality will be rejected.
               3. Unnecessary or repeated posts shall be rejected for stake counting
               4. Only posts written by the OP will count

          The Content Creation part of this Rewards Program will be invite only and the rewards will be assigned discretionarily on a case by case basis. If you produce high quality content (blog articles, videos, threads in forums, translations of the whitepaper, etc.) and have a large audience and are interested in participating please send an email to [email protected] (BEFORE creating any content) with your portfolio for review).

          15% of the tokens are reserved for rewards participants who go the extra mile and make a special effort to promote our Token Sale. These tokens will be assigned at the sole discretion of AmaZix/Smart Valor (so we won’t accept any objections to how they are distributed).

          Some activities that could be worthy of these tokens are:
          Content with an especially high quality or outreach
          Opening new channels for the promotion of the sale
          Above average activity in Telegram groups or ANN threads

          If you feel like you have an idea for promotion that doesn’t fall into any category but would bring a high value, don’t hesitate to drop us a line!

          Spread the word in your Telegram group about Smart Valor and earn some tokens

          100-249 Members:1 stake/post
          250-749 Members:2 stakes/post
          750-2499 Members:4 stakes/post
          2500-9999 Members:6 stakes/post
          10000+ Members:10 stakes/post

          Extra stakes: Pin pitch post during the whole week and receive x10 stakes per week. You are not eligible to receive more stakes by posting pitch on daily basis if it pinned.

               1. Contact @Awallon_X via Telegram to check if your group/channel are eligible to join.
               2. Once approved you will receive a pitch to post in the group/channel.
               3. Post pitch during the exact week (dates clarified in rewards thread or in the spreadsheet “Telegram Owners - Approved”).
               4. Upload the screenshot (using imgur, postimage or similar) and report it in this rewards thread.
               5. Make report in last day of exact week (dates clarified in rewards thread or in the spreadsheet).

          ####TELEGRAM WEEK X####
          Link to Telegram post

               1. A maximum of 1 post per day is allowed in each group
               2. Channels are allowed to post 3 times per week, but will get double stakes. No more than 3 posts will be accepted during the week. (This rules is required, because audience won’t accept daily spam in good channel what is bad for advertising value)
               3. Groups with fake members will be disqualified.

          Create posts or comment on other people’s posts.

          Stakes will be paid depending on total number of upvotes.

          10-19 upvotes:5 stakes
          20-49 upvotes:10 stakes
          50-99 upvotes:20 stakes
          100-299 upvotes:50 stakes
          300+ upvotes:100 stakes

          Replies are worth 3 times less than posts. For example, 30 upvotes on a reply will only earn 10 stakes.

               1. Subscribe to our Subreddit:
               2. Fill and submit this form:

               1. Your Reddit account must be at least 15 days old and have 5 posts or comment karma
               2. Only posts in the following subreddits will count:
                         r/SmartValor, r/bitcoin, r/ethereum, r/ethtrader, r/icocrypto,
               3. Posts and comments with negative karma and spam will be rejected.
               4. Posts on other subreddits must link to
               5. Posts and replies are to be reported weekly in this thread using the following format:

          ####REDDIT WEEK X####
          Links to posts:

          A strong community is the essence of any good project and we are counting on each of you to join Smart Valor and change the future for the better. To reward our loyal supporters and community members, we are proud to announce the launch of Smart Valor Engagement Program where we will award 5 most active users in our Telegram group ( with 1.000 VALOR TOKEN worth of Smart Valor tokens.

          How it works?
               1. You need to join our Telegram Group:
               2. Once you have joined our bot will track your activity and at the end of the Token Sale we will announce 5 winners.

          Please note that we reserve the right to disqualify anyone spamming the group in order to win the prize. We are looking for genuine comments that bring value to the group.

          .GENERAL RULES.

               1. The Rewards Manager and the Team reserve their right to make changes to the terms in any moment (except the allocation).
               2. Payment addresses will NOT be changed after submission.
               3. Any kind of offensive or inadequate behaviour when promoting Smart Valor will result in immediate disqualification from the rewards campaign
               4. Rewards Managers/Team decisions are final.
               5. Participants that fail to pass KYC or AML or other regulatory requirements applicable in their country of residence will not receive any tokens at the end of campaign
          sr. member
          Activity: 1022
          Merit: 306
          sr. member
          Activity: 1022
          Merit: 306
          sr. member
          Activity: 1022
          Merit: 306
          October 10, 2018, 01:49:37 PM
          sr. member
          Activity: 1022
          Merit: 306
          October 10, 2018, 01:49:23 PM

          hımmmm what is iurl

          sr. member
          Activity: 1022
          Merit: 306
          October 10, 2018, 01:48:27 PM
          this is my learning forum codes thread.


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