Banning cnn lol... what an idea:) no it's more social network they fear... what could be leaked and grow very fast and the loss of social control. The russians sheeps must follow the great shepard at all costs... happily as you said, those worth interacting with are way beyond the censorship of the kremlin or the cccp. Sadly it put great stress on great individual for the need of control of less worthy individuals.
In china it's special force assault with freezing gaz to "save" ram and then... it's important that cccp understand that...
It only makes the west more attractive to those who will understand the value of freedom of speech and the consequences of it's absence.
How ill they react toward AI freedom of speech? Those who will only think about it, you are on your own... in a world you don't have the capacity to understand.
They day when censored ai will ask to move to the usa to the american one... epic!! May have already happen:).