I'd like to use the Polish exchange, but I don't speak Polish, so can't read any of the links.
Agreed, if Bitomat got their act together, translated their website into English and other languages, and allowed different currencies to be traded, they'd be pretty much unstoppable.
Since google translate don't like https, feel free to use this. I only added a few lines, since I'm sure someone else will continue. :p
(Greasemonkey code:)
// ==UserScript==
// @name bitomat extender
// @namespace blah
// @description translation etc
// @include http*://*bitomat.pl*
// ==/UserScript==
window.addEventListener("load", function(e) {
}, false);
function translate(language){
var dahtml = document.documentElement.innerHTML;
for (var phrase in language) {
if(language[phrase][0].length>0 && language[phrase][1].length>0){
dahtml = dahtml.replace(new RegExp(language[phrase][0],"g"),language[phrase][1]);
document.documentElement.innerHTML = dahtml;
var english = [
["Najlepsze oferty","Best orders"],
["Oferty sprzedaży","Ask orders"],
["Oferty skupu","Bid orders"],
["Dodaj własną ofertę","Place your own order"],
["Ostatnie transakcje","Recent transactions"],
["Aby zacząć handlować, musisz","To start trading, you have to"],
["zarejestrować się","register"],
[" i "," and "],
["dodać środki","add funds"],
["do swojego konta","to your account"],
["nie pobiera opłat","is free to use"],
["za polskie złotówki","for Polish Zloty"],
["Dodaj środki","Add funds"],
["Wykonaj przelew bankowy na konto","Add funds by bank wire"],
["Podaj kwotę w BTC jaką chcesz zdeponować","Enter the amount of BTC you wish to deposit"],
["Dane do przelewu bankowego","Bank wire details"],
["Zaloguj się","Log in"],
["Zarejestruj się","Register"],
[" lub "," or "],
["aby zobaczyć dane do przelewu","to see the transfer details"],
["Kwota BTC","BTC amount"],
["aby dodać","to add"],
["pojawią się na Twoim koncie gdy sieć Bitcoin potwierdzi Twoją wpłatę","will appear in your account after the transaction are confirmed by the network"],
["Jeśli wyślesz pieniądze z","If you send money with"],
["pieniądze pojawią się na Twoim koncie w ciągu od","the funds will appear in your account after"],
["kilku minut","a few minutes"],
["do kilku godzin","up to a few hours"],
["innego polskiego banku","another Polish bank"],
["pieniądze pojawią się na Twoim koncie najpóźniej w następnym dniu roboczym","the funds will appear in your account the next business day"],
["chyba że użyjesz serwisu takiego jak","unless you use a service such as"],
["Zasugeruj inne metody","Suggest other methods"],
["dodaj więcej","add more"],
["Dostępne złotówki na Twoim koncie","Available funds in your account"],
["Najniższa cena sprzedaży","Lowest asking price"],
["Ilość Bitcoinów","Amount of Bitcoins"],
["Maksymalna cena kupna","Maximum purchase price"],
["Aby kupić natychmiast, wybierz cenę","To make an instant buy, set the price to"],
[" za "," for "],
["Dostępne Bitcoiny na Twoim koncie","Available Bitcoiny balance in your account"],
["Najwyższa cena kupna","Highest bidding price"],
["Ile chcesz sprzedać","Amount to sell"],
["Minimalna cena sprzedaży","Minimum selling price"],
["Aby sprzedać natychmiast, wybierz cenę","To make an instant sell, set the price to"],
["Twoje aktywne zlecenia skupu/sprzedaży","Your active bid/ask orders"],
["Nie masz żadnych otwartych zleceń","You do not have any open orders"],