When I need to learn more about blockchain and related things, I will consider YouTube videos, or online magazine such as Cointelegraph, Coindesk, etc.
Those sources bring me a comfortable sense to acquire knowledge since they are full of illustration as well as clear narrator's voice and easy-to-read paragraphs.
However, I still would like to say thank you very much for the recommendations I shall read some books someday in the future and your list may help
Great post!
this could be used for gathering information, but it cannot be said that this will help you in learning process, it is simply not enough, and you will miss important concepts that are behind the any industry, by getting only biased view from content creator, which is mostly used for promotion of certain concept, rather than providing complete picture
I would recommend two books on Bitcoin, that will give you whole picture on Bitcoin
"The Little Bitcoin Book" - this is a great book, if you do not like to read much
"Programming Bitcoin" - this is a bit technical book by Jimmy Song, but concepts are beautifully explained
bear in mind that Blockchain is not even mentioned in Bitcoin whitepaper, as with this name, so Blockchain books should not be discussed here