
Topic: The "alt-CHAIN" with 3000x potential (Read 69 times)

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May 15, 2022, 10:21:04 AM
The YOP platform allows you to see exactly how and where your profits are being generated. Easy to use user interfaces make YOP the most accessible DeFi protocol on the market. The platform provides detailed breakdowns and historical data on YOP performance, as well as an ecosystem of DeFi protocols used to generate profit. Simple and accessible.
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May 15, 2022, 09:59:48 AM
High Performance Blockchain "cross chain" is now available with SWFT  Smiley
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April 25, 2022, 03:53:43 PM
There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of postings of "altcoin" 10x (or even more!) opportunities scattered across the internet, many of which you can find right here on BitcoinTalk. But when you actually break down those claims, how do the individuals touting these life-changing, moon-shot opportunities actually quantify their claims?

Some of these claims will actually turn out to be genuine.... but of course, the vast majority will be absolute scams, but it's sometimes difficult to navigate your way through the seemingly endless, incessant barrage of "opportunities" thrown your way. Well, rather than touting an "altcoin" opportunity, I'd instead like to share with you some details on an "alt-chain" opportunity which I believe has enormous potential, and I'd like to share with you some of the reasons why.

Full disclosure... I'm a member of the community for this project (my profile name gives it away!), and I do myself hold an investment in this project. There is an undeniable element of bias, but if you're still interested in at least hearing what I have to say, then I would invite you to read on.

I should say, this posting won’t be short, and it will cover a lot of ground, so if you intend on reading what I have to say, perhaps now is a good time to go and grab yourself a tea or coffee and get comfortable 😊

Let’s get straight to the point!

I present to you the "alt-chain" opportunity with 3000x potential...

High Performance Blockchain (HPB)

Some of the crypto investor OG’s of the forum may already be fully aware of this project. After all, it’s not new. In fact, it’s been around for 4-5 years now. The HPB project started off in Asia, as an Ethereum ERC20 token, and this eventually transitioned to a full, layer-1, EVM-compliant blockchain a few years back, with HPB being the native coin of the chain.
I won’t lie… reading the price chart of this project is not pretty! In fact, it’s downright horrendous! There will be countless individuals who invested early, and sadly got “burned” by this project, watching the value of HPB fall consistently over the last few years. In fact, if you knew nothing about the project, and you just went by the price-chart alone, then it would seem almost suicidal to consider investing in this chain!

The HPB price was actually riding at way over $8 per HPB coin back in 2018, and yet now in late April 2022, it’s sitting at around $0.04 per coin – You don’t need to be a math wizard to know that this chain has experienced a serious downtrend! That is a seriously scary drop in price! Some might even look at the price and assume the project has been abandoned altogether!
But it hasn’t been abandoned….

In fact, I personally like to think of it as more of a sleeping giant.

Ok, so for those of you who haven’t heard of High Performance Blockchain before, let me offer you the standard “sales-pitch”, so you at least have an understanding of what it is, and what it does. If you already know everything about the project, I guess you could skip this part, but perhaps some of you would have read about the proposal within the whitepaper many years ago, and completely forgotten about it, so perhaps now is an opportunity to jog the memory.

What is High Performance Blockchain (HPB)?

It’s a layer1, main-net, fully-EVM compliant blockchain. There are already plenty of EVM blockchains out there, but what makes HPB unique is that it’s the only EVM blockchain in the world to fuse custom-developed blockchain hardware, with Ethereum software.
The custom hardware is something called the “Blockchain Offload Engine” (BOE) accelerator card. It’s a PCI-E card that runs in every single one of the 190+ globally dispersed “master nodes” that form the chain.

You can think of the BOE card as a kind of graphics card…it certainly looks like a graphics card at first glance! But what differentiates the BOE card from a typical NVIDIA or AMD card, is that it was designed and developed from the ground-up to focus its efforts entirely on blockchain. It’s what allows the HPB main-network to run so much faster than Ethereum.
HPB runs at 5000tps, compared to Ethereum which runs somewhere around 20-30tps. When it comes to transaction speeds, it’s no slouch, that’s for sure.
Is it THE FASTEST EVM blockchain?

I honestly don’t know…. perhaps not. But for me personally, the TPS speed of the chain is not the primary reason for me investing.
Nor is it the fact that gas fees are incredibly cheap. Average HPB chain gas fees on a transaction are at around $0.0001 per transaction. This is miles cheaper than Ethereum. But again, is HPB THE CHEAPEST EVM blockchain? I very much doubt it. In fact, there’s some blockchains out there that actually run without any gas fees at all, so it's possibly not the industry leader in this respect either.

I also didn’t invest in HPB because the chain just so happens to be far “greener” (more eco-friendly) than other chains. Unlike Ethereum which uses PoW consensus (not good, but to be fair to the Ethereum foundation, they’re trying to transition to PoS), the HPB chain instead uses a Proof of Performance (PoP) consensus mechanism. It’s far more efficient, and combined with the fact that HPB master nodes consume less energy to run than a typical blockchain node, due to the BOE card quite literally “offloading” the processing requirements from the CPU/GPU, it’s actually a better blockchain for the planet!

No… the fact that it’s faster than most chains, cheaper than most chains, more eco-friendly than most chains (oh, and more secure than most chains because of hardware security!), isn’t the number one reason I invested in HPB.

So, what was it? What was the primary reason for investing in HPB?
It’s this little thing called Random Numbers.

More specifically TRUE random numbers.

You see, you have two types of random numbers. You have “pseudo” random numbers, and you have TRUE random numbers. Now before I dive into the difference between the two, it’s at least worth reflecting for a moment on why random numbers are important, not just to the blockchain industry, but to a whole bunch of industries across the globe.
who uses random numbers?

If you play computer games, you’ll know that enemy attributes are often randomly generated. If you play online casinos, the cards dealt in a game of poker, or the number the roulette wheel lands on, are all attributed to random numbers. Ever entered a lottery? Unless the winning numbers are hand-picked by a human, then the chances are that the winning numbers were randomly generated.

What about a Metamask wallet? I bet most of you have used Metamask at some point. Well, the private keys for wallets are all based on random numbers.
Random numbers are everywhere.

Now that we’ve agreed that random numbers have “value”, let’s discuss the difference between “pseudo” random numbers and TRUE random numbers.
“Pseudo” random numbers are what are used in Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNG’s) – They use a “seed” value combined with a mathematical computation or algorithm, to generate one or more seemingly random numbers. When I say seemingly, they key thing is that software is just code. If you know HOW the code was written, and you know how the seed value was derived, then ultimately you could, in theory, correctly “predict” the random number it generates.

Software-based random numbers, no matter how complex, will always have the potential to be predicted. If you know the seed, and you know the calculation that utilizes the seed, then you can potentially predict the random number.

Why would this be a bad thing? Well, what if you were to play an online casino and you could predict what number the ball would land on, on the roulette wheel each and every time? You could even flip this around…. would you trust a developer of a blockchain-based casino, knowing that casino developer already knows what PRNG “code” was used to make the game? Think about this for a moment. This applies across all industries. Ask yourself if a PRNG is really the best option, and it can be 100% trusted?

Instead let’s compare this to a TRUE Random Number Generator. What I mean by this, is that even if you know the computation that ultimately generates the random number, you still cannot predict the actual random number, if you don’t know the “seed” value.

There is only one way to obtain a 100% genuine seed value…. And that’s by using NATURAL phenomena. A popular scientific way to tap into randomness is to take readings from fluctuations in how photons are emitted by the materials used in lasers.

To put it bluntly, TRUE random numbers can only be derived from non-reproducible chaos!

High Performance Blockchain is the ONLY EVM blockchain in the entire world capable of generating PROVABLE, non-deterministic, on-chain, per-block, TRUE random numbers, and it’s the NUMEBR ONE reason why I invested in this chain.

How does it achieve this?

By utilizing the BOE hardware card!

On the HPB chain, the BOE cards within each node are monitoring the ever-changing micro-voltage fluctuation readings on the card itself. The readings are measured right down to 0.00001 volt, and are constantly changing, and are completely IMPOSSIBLE to predict. These readings are then converted to a 256-bit string-value using an Analog-to-Digital convertor chip on the BOE card, and this ever-changing value is what is used as the “seed” for the TRNG. Even if you know how a RNG itself calculates random numbers, you still couldn’t predict the actual random number generated, because you’ll never know what the seed value is going to be.

It’s up to you to decide if you think a layer 1, main-net EVM blockchain that offers TRUE random numbers to developers on chain… for FREE, has any value.
Well, there’s the sales pitch out of the way…. now let’s talk about the bad stuff. Let’s explore why the project value has nose-dived the past few years, and then I’ll talk about what the project team are FINALLY doing to address it.

So, let’s first of all go back to 2018 – Early investors in HPB were seriously hyped back then! The market value of HPB was climbing steadily, and the technical capabilities of the chain, combined with some of the news stories of HPB partnerships, were getting investors into a frenzy! It seemed a guaranteed moon-shot!
So what went wrong?

First of all, there was the market collapse of early 2018 – Remember that? When literally everything in blockchain went to crap? Well, that’s when things started to go wrong.
But it wasn’t just that. One of the biggest proposed partnerships was with a company called UnionPay Smart. If you haven’t heard of them, go look them up. It was a HUGE news story, and when it sadly didn’t come to fruition for various reasons, it compounded investor frustration, and the price continued to tank.
It didn’t stop there…. HPB also had a charismatic young European front-man, seen as the “face of HPB” – He was the guy who was being interviewed by crypto influencers, and was all over YouTube. I’ll mention no names, but you can go and find out who I’m talking about with a quick google search if you want to. Anyhow, he and the HPB CEO (Xiaoming Wang) had…. how shall we say…. a less than amicable parting of ways, which led to all sorts of speculation about how HPB was imploding, and a lot of false information was being spread around. There were even news articles being published suggesting that Xiaoming Wang and the team had completely abandoned the project, and that it was simply left with the HPB community to deal with a sinking ship!

When you combine this with the very poor marketing tactics of the chain, all of these elements led to a HUGE drop in value…. I mean we’re literally talking a price-drop that “pump and dump” “shit-coins” would be shocked at!

Things were looking utterly grim. If you visited the HPB Global Telegram community chat, it appeared to be nothing more than a daily wall of complaints and abuse towards the HPB core team, and honestly speaking, looking at how things were going, it would’ve seemed like complete and utter madness to even think about investing.

…And yet, the title of this posting reads:

“Alt-chain” opportunity with 3000x potential” 😊

So, if things are really that bad, then surely it would only be the words of a complete madman to suggest that this project could 3000x right?
Well, here are my thoughts on this…

Where did I even come up with the number of 3000x?

Allow me to explain.

The current mcap of High Performance Blockchain is around $3m (25th April 2022 – CoinMarketCap)
Let’s also take into consideration a couple of things….

I’ll share some well-known blockchains with you, as well as some of their basic attributes:

Speed: around 20-30tps
MCAP: $330 Billion

Binance Smart Chain
Speed: around 200tps
MCAP: $66 Billion

Speed: around 250tps
MCAP: $21 Billion

Speed: around 1000tps
MCAP: $10.3 Billion

Speed: around 2000tps
MCAP: $6 Billion

Speed: around 550tps
MCAP: $5 Billion

All of these blockchains sit very comfortably inside the top 50 projects on CoinMarketCap, and while I did already state that TPS transaction speeds are not the primary reason for investing in HPB, I still wanted to point out that in terms of chain scalability, right-now, in April 2022, it outperforms all of the EVM chains mentioned in terms of transaction speed.

But let’s forget about TPS….

Which of the chains that I mentioned above include dedicated blockchain hardware acceleration?
None of them

Which of the chains mentioned above are capable of generating TRUE random numbers on-chain?
None of them

So, when you factor this in, you can at least start to appreciate the technical “potential” of High Performance Blockchain.

But “potential” isn’t enough, we all know that!

For those of you who are old enough to remember, there was a bit of a Tech-war in the 80’s between two home video formats – VHS vs. Betamax!

Pretty much every tech expert agreed back then that Betamax was the superior tech, yet VHS still ultimately won the battle to become the global home video standard... so tech “potential” isn’t enough.

VHS won the battle because it was marketed more effectively. So even if Blockchain technologists would agree that High Performance Blockchain is at least as good as, if not better, than some of the chains mentioned above from a technical perspective, it still wouldn’t be enough for HPB to become successful.

So why have these other chains become so successful?

Let’s look at Polygon as an example. Polygon is a layer 2 sidechain. It doesn’t actually do anything particularly special…it’s just another popular Layer 2 EVM chain.

Yet it’s worth $10.3 billion!

That’s more than THREE THOUSAND times the value of HPB!

HPB is faster, cheaper, more eco-friendly, than Polygon, and it offers something that Polygon could NEVER offer…. On-chain, TRUE random numbers

Yet Polygons MCAP is thousands of times more than HPB.


Well Polygon rebranded…that definitely helped 100%. The chain which used to be called “Matic”, switched to the cool new name of Polygon and the price pumped. They also did things the right way. They provided developers tools to help create Dapps on their chain. They ran hackathons to encourage developers to come and work with them. They marketed aggressively in the crypto-sphere and people began investing. The rest is history, and now Polygon sits in #17 spot on CMC, while HPB (the technically superior blockchain), sits down in #1336!

The gulf in price between the two chains couldn’t be wider, yet the better chain (at least from a technical perspective) isn’t the one that’s sitting on top.

Ok, so it’s clear to see that things haven’t been going HPB’s way, so why now, of all the times in the projects long life-cycle, would I encourage people to go and explore the chain and see what’s happening?

Because things ARE finally changing….

January 2022 was a major wake-up call for the HPB core team. One of the biggest blows was dealt in the project’s history. They were de-listed from their flagship tier 1 CEX, Kucoin.

From talking to people in the HPB Global Telegram community, it seemed that the vast majority of people used Kucoin for trading, so to see the news of HPB being de-listed, felt like the final nail in the coffin to this project. It seemed like there was no coming back.

Many investors, including myself to be honest, dumped their HPB immediately.

We were all just about ready to forget that High Performance Blockchain ever existed and move on with our lives.

But then an interesting thing happened.

The HPB CEO, Xiamong Wang, decided to start reaching out DIRECTLY to the HPB Global community. Whilst we’d experienced the occasional AMA with Wang maybe once or twice a year, we’d never before experienced this type of direct communication with the CEO.

He fully accepted that things had gone very badly, and was now hoping that the community itself could provide some fresh ideas and perspective, and some much-needed inspiration to make one last attempt to turn things around.

Initially, many of the investors were extremely sceptical. There had been a communicative divide between the HPB core team based in Asia, and the largely Western-based community for a long time. Most people had already decided that things would never change, and it was pointless to remain involved.

But…. Some community investors decided to challenge Wang and the Core team to see if their words were genuine. The HPB community decided to throw some ideas at the core team, to see if they would be implemented. Suggestions in the past had always seemingly fallen on deaf ears, so it kind of felt like a shot to nothing, but nonetheless, some ideas were pitched based on various criticisms and frustrations, just to see what would happen.

Some examples of the criticisms made since January 2022 were as follows:

1.   HPB doesn’t offer API calls to developers
2.   HPB doesn’t allow developers to validate their smart contracts in the block explorer
3.   HPB doesn’t showcase its TRUE random number generator
4.   HPB doesn’t offer a faucet to developers to try out the chain
5.   HPB doesn’t offer a token generator tool
6.   HPB doesn’t provide a way to “air-drop” or disperse tokens to multiple addresses
7.   HPB doesn’t offer a payment solution for e-commerce websites
8.   HPB doesn’t offer any video tutorials for new users
9.   HPB doesn’t provide developer incentives such as a hackathon, to get involved on the chain
10.   HPB doesn’t offer any incentives for average users actually using the HPB network
11.   HPB doesn’t provide a detailed on-line guidebook such as a GitBook
12.   HPB doesn’t use their social media channels frequently enough
13.   HPB doesn’t release news or articles frequently enough
14.   HPB doesn’t develop enough partnerships with other blockchain projects
15.   HPB doesn’t have a cross-chain bridge!

Quite a lot of criticism came flooding in!

Well, that was in January 2022 – It’s now April 2022, so three months have passed, and how many of these 15 criticisms have been addressed by the core team?

14…and a half 😊

3.   See the main page of to see TRUE random numbers!
12.   Look at
13.   Recent example:
14.   Partnerships now being formed almost on a daily basis –
15.   Cross chain DEX bridging solution signed and agreed – launched in 2 weeks!

Based on this, and the incredible speed of delivery in terms of addressing these criticisms, I think it’s fair to say that the core team are now finally listening to the community. They are receptive, and are engaged with the western community like never before.

Is there more to do?


These things alone won’t be enough to turn around the fortunes of this chain, but the point is that people close to the project and now starting to see REAL, tangible changes.

The Hackathon on DevPost in May will also bring in lots of new developers and Dapps, and the Western-influenced global HPB marketing campaign hasn’t even started yet!

This is why I suggest that High Performance Blockchain has 3000x potential.

Interesting fact…. Even a 10x wouldn’t be enough to put HPB in the top FIVE HUNDRED projects of CMC (and think about how many crappy projects already occupy the top 500!), yet technical experts see HPB as having the potential so sit in the top 50, alongside projects such as Polygon and Fantom.

But please do not take my word for it. After all, I’m personally invested in HPB, and am a member of the HPB global Telegram community (come and say hi!), so of course I want to see the project to succeed. Like I said right at the very start, I’m biased.

I’d much prefer you to DYOR and decide for yourself if there is upside potential in investing in this project.

In my humble opinion….

This sleeping giant has finally woken up.  Wink

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