Where's the incentive for pizza shop owners to conform to the standards and contribute back to the OS plans?
I don't really know how to solve everylittle problem, but the question is... would this be viable?
Franchisors (in regular franchises) are supposed to sell their know-how and build a marketing structure for all the franchisees, the question is: would it be possible, to build a software that coordinates all the owners knowledge and let them build the strategies they think would work the best for the whole chain success?
There are a few reasons why people start or join a franchise:
A succesfull company may want to expand very quickly but hasnt the capital or resources,
The Franchisor may want to implement ecconomies of scale, so your Franchisee of Pizza hut and McDonalds will do there purchasing through from the Franchisor to achive massive purchasing discounts for the whole organisation,
The Franchisee may want to join the franchise because the brand is well established and provides advertising and instant custom.
The Franchisee will get all or most of the branding materials in a box so to speak, there will be no creativity required lol.
So your idea would only really be benificial if you have an established brand or can contract people to use you as a supplier to achieve bulk purchashing discounts for them.
Maybe to jump start it you could get existing local pizza places to sign up.