I have posed down to study the ANTs and this makes a lot of sense, the ant can never make excuses and continue with the business of the day and getting it done, and also they do their work and sometimes they do not need Captain they are also disciplined and self-starters. If I could understand them better they have taught us the necessary to plan and look ahead for the future, more I can say about them is that they always work as a team and also store their nourishment during the season of abundance so that they can have a large portion in the time of scarcity they also have planned experience strategies of how to rest and to prevent burnout.
what are your thoughts on this......
Do you think that people in the nation will be able to live their lifestyle like this?
In the rural areas, it is common to see soldiers and house ants and I have also observed them. Humans are not ants but we can learn a few things from the way they behave. Even the Holy Bible encouraged us to go to the ants and learn from them
Ants are not selfish because they inform others if they see any food item. They come together and gather the food and store it. Humans will hide their source of income and will want only them to be rich. Some will even be pleased to see others suffer even when they have means of making them earn some money.
Ants are team players because they work with a unity of purpose. It is rare to see ants fighting each other because they are together in peace and unity. Humans are always disagreeing and in conflict with each other. There are people you can never work with because they are not team players.
Ants are always focused. If they want to achieve a goal they will pursue it till the end. They are not easily distracted by circumstances. Even if they are distracted after some time they will continue with the task. Even if you kill some, others will just carry the dead and the task will continue.
Ants are determined and persistent: Ants will always put their problems aside and continue their task. If you destroy their habitation, after a little time they come together organize, and rebuild the home.
Ants are good planners. They gather in the dry season so that they can use it in the rainy season when it will be difficult for them to move around to get food. Some humans are wasters and don't have plans for the future.