Congress can just declare the debt paid in a day. It's not even practical to pay off this debt anyway because there is a limit on how much currency exists to begin with. If you add up all the private debt as well it's not possible to pay off the debt because the money used to pay the debt is also on loan. The actual amount of original gold backed money that wasn't loaned out is so small that it wouldn't come anywhere close to paying off all the money loaned out by the US fractional reserve system.
Deficit spending is a problem because it weakens the currency. If people realized this and didn't put their savings in to USD then that would force the government to not spend so much.
My point is that during his show he was attempting to critizise trump by illustrating how the previous president added debt... but left out obama. It was so shocking to see such dishonnesty. Personnally i see this guy as an ennemy combattant, like the guy working for terrorist organisation or nazi propaganda.
I love the hated, i agree this thing isn't even worth an emotion. It's not human. It's not possible, it could be a droid or graphic projection/hologram to dissuade people from watching tv. Look at what the thing said recently:
When will this fucking team understand that 1 corruption and being a cheat a liar and a domestic ennemy is what made her lost... clinton fundation slush fund, bill clinton raping around, working for demise of the us constitution and bill of right, working for the gmo cartel, deleting emails, bengazi... yeah dear fareed, ask the pentagon guys from the newest to the oldest what THEY think about it...
Yeah shit your pants traitor... remmeber your are peon on the board. Nothing more. Frankly i think you are allowed propaganda... you are used to show how some civilians are domestic ennemies. A living proof, allowed to live by it's uncompetence and frankly poor elocution.