
Topic: The BarCamper's Guide to Bitcoin (slides) (Read 1310 times)

Activity: 22
Merit: 0
July 26, 2011, 07:11:08 AM
Wow, someone sent me a 0.5BTC tip to the address I included at the end of the slides. I'm going to assume it was someone from here… thank you whoever it was Smiley
Activity: 1918
Merit: 1570
Bitcoin: An Idea Worth Spending
Hi all,

This weekend I ran a session called The BarCamper's Guide to Bitcoin at BarCamp Nottingham (that's in the UK, in case there's a more famous Nottingham in the US).

Slides, references, and a little background are on my blog:

I only half-know what I'm talking about regarding the Bitcoin protocol (and economics, for that matter), so feedback and corrections are welcome :-)

Quite a few people people turned up to the session. I showed some live trading after, which started a very long discussion about traceability of transactions (we spent a while on the Block Explorer too). I've learnt that once someone is interesting in figuring out what you can do with the information in the Bitcoin network, it's easy to talk literally for several hours about it!


"(that's in the UK, in case there's a more famous Nottingham in the US)"

Not yet more famous than the Nottingham in the U.k., but when these two guys cash in their bitcoins, Nottingham, Indiana, will be a premier (secret).

Activity: 22
Merit: 0
Haha, it's a fun game to play! One of my mates sat down with me in the pub the night before I gave the presentation and came out with the term Quantitative Easing before he'd even seen the slides. I awarded him 10 points :-)
Activity: 2408
Merit: 1121
Good job, I seriously LOLed at "Economic Bullshit Bingo 101". Nice to see a coherent effort into getting people interested in this. Excellent work!
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
Hi all,

This weekend I ran a session called The BarCamper's Guide to Bitcoin at BarCamp Nottingham (that's in the UK, in case there's a more famous Nottingham in the US).

Slides, references, and a little background are on my blog:

I only half-know what I'm talking about regarding the Bitcoin protocol (and economics, for that matter), so feedback and corrections are welcome :-)

Quite a few people people turned up to the session. I showed some live trading after, which started a very long discussion about traceability of transactions (we spent a while on the Block Explorer too). I've learnt that once someone is interesting in figuring out what you can do with the information in the Bitcoin network, it's easy to talk literally for several hours about it!

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