With all the features and benefits which no exchange can offer, trade.io is going to be the exchange for trading revolution. Here are some features in brief which will provide the added value to the community:
- From trade.io’s mission and vision: We will inherit the safer, faster, and more reliable trading platform in which the blockchain technologies are applied.
- With the board management team and their financial expertise, we know where we have put our trust in. They pledge not to disappoint our valued community.
- With the finite amount of Trade Token, its value will surpass all current exchanges’ utility tokens, and bring more benefit for its investors/holders such as purchasing new assets and IPOs/ICOs, participating to the shared liquidity pool, and further utilized transactions.
- The highly anticipated Exchange and Liquidity Pool which will promise a favorable interests to the community, when 50% of its shared profits will be transferred to their Trade Token holders.
- Its super patient, supportive and responsive admin team on Telegram is impressive. You will have all your queries satisfactorily answered with kindness.
- Trade Token will solve the issue for trading in Forex, and this is a real utility comes from blockchain technology, let see how it will perform when the Exchange is fully launched!
There are a lot of benefits beside which is not to mention here such as pre-registering for rewards, the airdrops of tokens from trade.io’s ICO clients, or the dare-to-share campaign with big rewards… So all I can tell you is, join the community as an early bird. You will find it worth staying in these crypto-booming age where there is lots of trivial and chaffy tokens.
Homepage: trade.io
More event/competition/campaign/airdrops/bonus: The benefits of joining trade.io: Review and updates (29.06.2018)