your influencer you quote in the video. guess what he didnt want proper sourced sars-cov-2 in its untampered form straight from the nasal passages of someone thats sick.. - He wasn't in the setting of doing the isolation himself. He simply wanted to get some from someone who did the isolation. But since nobody did the isolation, he couldn't get any.
he wanted some made up, processed white powder of non-human-originating source - Your density is amazing. He wanted some ready to go pure isolate of the Covid virus. He couldn't find anybody that had any.
its like an autopsy. and your influencers is saying "nah dont give me a body. just give me some random white ash you created from some random fire somewhere" - You seem to have missed the part about which you are talking. You say it but miss what you said. He wanted a container of the isolated virus to experiment with. He couldn't get it because it dosn't exist. The pictures of the virus are all simulations, not pictures of any virus isolated.
and as said already real science has taken the source snot from sick people and found the element that causes the sickness by trying the different elements on other specimens. - That's not isolating the virus. and the resulting ones that got sick. they tried again to ensure results were accurate. and then they examined both the separated fluid that caused the sickness sand the fluid from the resultant specimen to see the comparable. and then they sequenced the fluids - In all that, the virus itself was not isolated. There isn't any way they can know what, exactly, is making someone sick when the dump a bunch of unknown substance into somebody. It's like when you add some water to dirt, you get mud. But that doesn't tell you what the mud is made out of, or if it has any viruses in it.
you really need to start reading research papers and not find random nonsense videos from idiots that are ignorant, deceptive, lying, conspiracy creators
you wasted many weeks since you last asked for the isolation proof. with your lame excuse of"i wont spend days reading the report" - What?!!! You forgot already that you couldn't find the isolation wording in the reports, either?
well acknowledge you wasted weeks not reading it. and if you waste another week, you have not helped yourself. so try to spend a couple days reading the reports and save yourself some time
I acknowledge that I waste a little time even responding to your stupidity. But, perhaps my responses will help somebody else understand that there isn't any Covid virus, but only man-made computer simulations and diagrams that were used as templates to actually put together something they call a virus.
So, thanks again for prompting me to help people out while showing them how ignorant you really are.