
Topic: The Biggist Threat To Decentralized Crypto-Currency And The Bitcoin Ideology (Read 3679 times)

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1035
The proof of work mining should be used to balance the network, otherwise the network with naturally clump into larger and larger nodes. That's why a good businessman is all about connections.

I'm not talking about penalising nodes for being big, I'm talking about load balancing to cancel out the natural network effect.

You have any ideas how?
hero member
Activity: 900
Merit: 1000
Crypto Geek
The proof of work mining should be used to balance the network, otherwise the network with naturally clump into larger and larger nodes. That's why a good businessman is all about connections.

I'm not talking about penalising nodes for being big, I'm talking about load balancing to cancel out the natural network effect.
Activity: 896
Merit: 1000
     I am a college student studing for a double major (computer enginering and physics) and working towards an eventual PHD.
You must be a freshman LAWLZ
Activity: 1036
Merit: 1000
You SERIOUSLY need to spend much more time in the Economics/Politics section of this forum. You have a lot to learn. This was a very long and very thought out post, and you should be proud of it, but there are just so many misconceptions in it regarding the way people and markets work that it would take for ever to address them all. Sorry.

Well, yah.  That's what I was thinking.  Obviously intelligent and capable, but not having read Hyack, Simons, Grisham, ... wait...

That's a lot of work.  How about just checking out some Peter Schiff youtube videos?

or some other youtube?  What's the quickie intro to economics of the under?

The most painless way to learn basic economics is still Irwin Schiff's original comic book, How an Economy Grows and Why it Doesn't: (PDF) (HTML)
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1035

we haven't paid for people efforts and labor in centuries.

I'm not sure what may be happening here. I am wondering if I have somehow connected to a blog from the future! The following statement doesn't seem like the familiar world I have grown up in... "we haven't paid for people(s) efforts and labor in centuries"...? Were do you live cause I want to live there!
Obviously you have not worked much as a laborer, I can attest to having to work at mindless, physically demanding jobs that do not justly compensate for the blood (literally) sweat and brawn that I had to provide to make an income, and I assure I am not a centurion so I did not hold those jobs "centuries ago".

Perhaps tat was a bit too much of an extreme statement. I guess "we do not pay almost anything at all for people's labor" and more specifically "labor, alone." Those food service employees, groundskeepers, movers, and even garbage collectors, know how to do their specific skill, and after training know how to do it well. We pay them for their knowledge, and to apply their knowledge, and we pay those who know how to apply it, the most. Especially so in third world countries, where people have to know how to survive. Incidentally, I worked in fast food, retail, and other menial jobs as well.


This is the way it is in all business: long-term profit tends towards zero, because other companies join in to compete, and drive your prices down until you can sell your stuff only for exactly what it cost you to make it...

Yes and no. Generally speaking, people do not put forth effort if there is a guarantee of a loss for their efforts, specifically in terms of not being able to achieve bare basic returns, e.g... making a basic living. Individuals (including those who own or work for a company) who produce a product or provide a service will also try to protect their resources which includes their incomes so there is an incentive to inflate prices, manipulate markets, bolster advertising with exaggerated or false claims and will use many other tactics to at least stay at a level income.

People put effort until the loss from their effort equals the gain. As to companies. As for making a basic living, that is typically a market force, outside of people's control. If my skill set, be it labor or products, only allows me to make $10 a day, and I need $20 a day to survive, I can't simply demand a job from someone else that pays me $20, or demand that customers buy my products when they don't want to. I can only get paid what I, or my products, are worth. Inflating prices won't work, because everyone will buy cheaper from my competitors. Manipulating markets won't work, because I would get caught for the crime, and I probably can't afford to, anyway. Advertising might work, but that adds to my expense, and can hurt me if the claims are false.

This is also what drives people to innovate and figure out how to get just a little bit more than what has been previously available. This can be a more efficient production method, cheaper material, or more innovative product. Those people are the ones who earn more, because they discover something new, that others want, and that benefits everyone, and they do this by using their heads, instead of just their brawn.

Exactly on target, but not quite there. One misconception is the fact that most innovations do not benefit the innovator as much as those innovations line the pockets of savvy business types that pray on optimistic people who have invented something new. Most often what occurs is that a new idea is evaluated by an entity and if its profit potential looks good, that entity will make an offer to the ideas creator to purchase or license the idea. To maximize profit potential, the entity usually understates the ideas potential value, convinces the ideas creator that the entity is doing them a favor by taking a SUBSTANTIAL RISK that may loose money for the entity. Which is just a old salesmens trick used to justify a shockingly low offer for an idea that has amazing potential.

Speaking from some experience, that's actually what happens the rarest, but is just heard about most often. What actually happens most often is that the innovation is done by the very people who run or start the business, or that those with a lot of money fund and hie innovators, giving them loads of money in hopes they create something for them. The few cases involving inventors coming up with something and getting help from an entity that tells them they are taking a substantial risk, they aren't lying. Most businesses fail, and most venture capital investments fail. I know this because I deal with business, I deal with venture capital, and I have an invention I am also trying to sell. This isn't something I can simply "prove" to you, without spending an enormous amount of time looking for sources, but I hope may be intuitive to you if you think about how large businesses actually compete. That is where a lot of innovation happens, most of the time in small tweaks and adjustment to process here and there, not in tinkerer's garages.

Perhaps, but I do not see how that negates my statements. So lets say at some point memory is free to all, even then being faster than someone else at confirming transactions through the use of more advanced hardware still makes you faster than someone else and that means more volume and higher volume means higher profit even if you have the lowest price (think Walmart). The confirmer at a disadvantage is not the one who charges the least, but the one who has to charge the most.  I don't see what storage capacity has to do with confirmations, at least not for new transactions. Every transaction must be confirmed, so a new transaction must still be confirmed even if the value included in the new transaction was confirmed in a prior transaction. A confirmation uses (strictly speaking) compute cycles just the same. Couple this fact with your statement above about competition and how that spurs innovation and I think you have gone a long ways to proving some of my assertions.

Sorry, I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. Why would a confirmer charge anything? Do you mean "accept transactions with fees?" Why would someone not accept certain cheaper fee transactions, if the effect of including them in the block they are mining are negligible?

I'm sorry, but I do not see the distinction, the ability to choose a payment level for the confirmation service is tantamount to the same thing. Even though miners may passively confirm transactions its still part of the profit incentive to mine and will be the only way to earn money when all bitcoins are mined. So what do you think a miner will do with all that hardware they had invested in so that they could mine? And what will the miner do to maximize their return? Easy, refuse to confirm any transaction unless it is some X% of the transaction, or at least set transaction fees much higher than they are currently. Seems like something you get in the mail from your bank telling you that they are unilaterally raising every fee they have and saying its necessary. Once enough people decide to do the same, then you have a base rate that almost all charge for the service. Except those who have the fastest confirmation speeds, they might charge around 3% less. Even though 3% doesn't sound like much, its still the lower fee so do you think most people will decide to pay that 3% more or the 3% less? Thats how it works today in all the fiat systems.

Ah, I sort of see. First, how would someone have faster confirmation speeds? Speeds are locked to 10 minutes per block. Do you mean someone who has more hashing power to find a higher percentage of blocks? As for the idea that "once enough people decide to do the same," that idea will be spoiled as soon as someone decides to make more that everyone else by taking the 2% and 1% fees that are lying around that no one else is taking. Banks can get away with it because you can't switch easily. You, as a customer, have what is called a "switching cost," which is also why you can be locked into an iPhone and be gouged by ridiculous music prices and app restrictions. With mining, all the customer knows is that higher fees put the transaction at a higher priority within the code, so higher fees should be pad for fast transactions, and lower or zero fees for money you don't mind taking hours to move. Someone, somewhere, will be mining and accepting zero fee transactions, and ruining it for all the other organized price gouging miners.

Yes, thats correct, but rather it is more apt to call it a "confirmation fee." On the 51% attack, as I understand it, thats more like theft. Think more along the lines of "The Big Three." Most major industries have three top selling companies that control the majority of the market for their product. A 51% theft would require a collusion of the top confirmers to agree to conduct the theft and is less likely. But why bother with a 51% attack when the largest confirmation clearing houses silently agree to fix prices? Will it happen that way? I duno. There is historical precedence for this type of activity, so, would you prefer to just close your eyes and pretend the risk isn't there or would you prefer steps are taken early enough to negater the risk as much as possible?

Well, 51% would be really bad for the Big Three, since people would lose faith in the system they are making money off of. As for fixing prices, it might happen. Personally I still doubt it. Mainly because the actual mining is easy to get into (no barriers to entry is the business term). Anyone can (or will be able to) go out and buy an ASIC, and it won't be all tat much worse than what the Big Three have. Sure, you won't have terahashes at your disposal, but the proportion of costs to returns will likely be close enough. I expect there will be hobbyist miners around the world. The other big thing is that, while it may eventually take a lot of capital to support the blockchain files, that, again, doesn't apply to the actual mining. So what I suspect we will have is the same pool structure we have now, with pools providing the infrastructure, and anyone with an ASIC being able to freely join and contribute. In this case it won't be a collusion between Big Three as to what to do, it will be the thousands of miners arguing and debating about what fees the pool should take, and the pools competing for miners just as much as for the fees.

Try to find and read some information online about "network effect." It's what explains eBay, Facebook, Windows, Blue ray, etc. Bitcoin has it, and it's why alt-coins will likely always fail, or at most be second best.

What makes you so sure that bitcoin will be the sole survivor. You don't think crypto-currency can be innovated any further?

Of course it can be. And it will be. It's just that all the innovators will innovate on the currency that everyone else is using, too. And everyone else will be using the currency their friends are using, and which is being the most innovated on. Bitcoin is just a set of communication protocols, with some software to make it work, but the software can be changed and improved upon. Why replace it when you have an established network of users and contributors already? Again, look into network effect.

What makes you so sure miners will not abandon bitcoin in droves when you can't mine it anymore in favor of some other crypto-currency that lets them return to mining for profit?

What makes you so sure other currencies will give them a profit? First, miners don't make a currency. No one using dollars or euros cares what kind of printing presses that cash goes through. People who use currency only care about what kind of software, hardware, and services are available (hardware wallets, point of sale systems, web wallets), and whether everyone else they know, like their friends and stores they shop at, use it to. Second, what do you think will happen when miners leave in droves to mine elsewhere? I would think that mining difficulty will drop, making bitcoin mining profitable again.

 If to many jump ship who will confirm all those transactions?

If they are jumping ship because ASICs are too powerful and are contributing more hashing power that these miners can, then I would suspect those same ASICs would confirm those transactions. The miners are basically being kicked out because they are insignificant, and at the same time you are suggesting that the network won't be able to work without them.

Do you think people wont just switch to the new pop currency or do you think people will just love bitcoin to much to let that happen?

See above regarding miners not being important and network effects for rest of users.

P.S. It's late and I have a headache, so sorry if this came out sounding a bit too strongly argumentative. Please let me know if you have any more objections and such.
Activity: 101
Merit: 10
Founder of The Bit Bit Forum

we haven't paid for people efforts and labor in centuries.

I'm not sure what may be happening here. I am wondering if I have somehow connected to a blog from the future! The following statement doesn't seem like the familiar world I have grown up in... "we haven't paid for people(s) efforts and labor in centuries"...? Were do you live cause I want to live there!
Obviously you have not worked much as a laborer, I can attest to having to work at mindless, physically demanding jobs that do not justly compensate for the blood (literally) sweat and brawn that I had to provide to make an income, and I assure I am not a centurion so I did not hold those jobs "centuries ago". There are MANY jobs that pay only on your ability to do physical labor and require VERY LITTLE knowledge beyond perhaps knowing what day of the week it is, how to tell time, how to set an alarm clock, how to dress oneself and performing MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO tasks like mashing a few buttons/icons (illustrated with simple cartoon like pictures to make sure you know what the button/icon is for.) In addition, there are a large number of jobs that involve very intensive physical tasks that over time cause damage to the health of the laborer. Indeed such jobs are rapidly changing with advances in technology such as automation and mass production and there is a trend to reduce some of the negative consequences of working under less than ideal conditions, but this is besides the point. Somehow I don't think a college degree is a prerequisite to hold a position as a garbage collector or janitor... umm... I mean "sanitation technician", food service employee, lawnmower (grounds keeping) or to haul/move goods like furniture, office equipment, etc... Regardless of all this (and more), you could only come close to saying such a thing in the context of a modern society. What of the people from third world countries, do their efforts not count?
Focusing on to many specifics serves as a red herring and does not address the issue.

Human nature dictates that breaking even is not sufficient.

Of course. We all always strive for more, but there is usually only so much to get,...

Hummm... This is actually part of my point and I will further this concept with quotes from what you yourself have written.

This is the way it is in all business: long-term profit tends towards zero, because other companies join in to compete, and drive your prices down until you can sell your stuff only for exactly what it cost you to make it...

Yes and no. Generally speaking, people do not put forth effort if there is a guarantee of a loss for their efforts, specifically in terms of not being able to achieve bare basic returns, e.g... making a basic living. Individuals (including those who own or work for a company) who produce a product or provide a service will also try to protect their resources which includes their incomes so there is an incentive to inflate prices, manipulate markets, bolster advertising with exaggerated or false claims and will use many other tactics to at least stay at a level income.

This is also what drives people to innovate and figure out how to get just a little bit more than what has been previously available. This can be a more efficient production method, cheaper material, or more innovative product. Those people are the ones who earn more, because they discover something new, that others want, and that benefits everyone, and they do this by using their heads, instead of just their brawn.

Exactly on target, but not quite there. One misconception is the fact that most innovations do not benefit the innovator as much as those innovations line the pockets of savvy business types that pray on optimistic people who have invented something new. Most often what occurs is that a new idea is evaluated by an entity and if its profit potential looks good, that entity will make an offer to the ideas creator to purchase or license the idea. To maximize profit potential, the entity usually understates the ideas potential value, convinces the ideas creator that the entity is doing them a favor by taking a SUBSTANTIAL RISK that may loose money for the entity. Which is just a old salesmens trick used to justify a shockingly low offer for an idea that has amazing potential.

Currently bitcoin transactions must be confirmed and the higher the confirmation fee paid the faster the transaction. Confirmers can set the priority of confirmations based on the amount confirmation fee. This can create the same issue even if all bitcoins have been mined. Those with large confirmation capacity have the advantage.

I don't think "confirmation capacity" is an issue. You can store an enormous amount of confirmations in 2 gigs of ram, and that's a fairly cheap thing for anyone to own.

Perhaps, but I do not see how that negates my statements. So lets say at some point memory is free to all, even then being faster than someone else at confirming transactions through the use of more advanced hardware still makes you faster than someone else and that means more volume and higher volume means higher profit even if you have the lowest price (think Walmart). The confirmer at a disadvantage is not the one who charges the least, but the one who has to charge the most.  I don't see what storage capacity has to do with confirmations, at least not for new transactions. Every transaction must be confirmed, so a new transaction must still be confirmed even if the value included in the new transaction was confirmed in a prior transaction. A confirmation uses (strictly speaking) compute cycles just the same. Couple this fact with your statement above about competition and how that spurs innovation and I think you have gone a long ways to proving some of my assertions.

They could charge less because of the volume and speed they offer yet make more money.

Miners don't charge, they just accept whatever fees are available. They can choose to only accept higher fee transactions, but that would exclude the lower fees from their profits. Everyone else will likely include all the fees, including the lower ones, too. So the only way they can make more money is by having more hashing power.

I'm sorry, but I do not see the distinction, the ability to choose a payment level for the confirmation service is tantamount to the same thing. Even though miners may passively confirm transactions its still part of the profit incentive to mine and will be the only way to earn money when all bitcoins are mined. So what do you think a miner will do with all that hardware they had invested in so that they could mine? And what will the miner do to maximize their return? Easy, refuse to confirm any transaction unless it is some X% of the transaction, or at least set transaction fees much higher than they are currently. Seems like something you get in the mail from your bank telling you that they are unilaterally raising every fee they have and saying its necessary. Once enough people decide to do the same, then you have a base rate that almost all charge for the service. Except those who have the fastest confirmation speeds, they might charge around 3% less. Even though 3% doesn't sound like much, its still the lower fee so do you think most people will decide to pay that 3% more or the 3% less? Thats how it works today in all the fiat systems.

Over time you may end up with large "clearing houses" and few if any smaller operations. At that point the stage is set for a monopoly and price fixing/gouging.


Clearing houses? For what, mining transactions into a block? How would that lead to price fixing? Unless you are talking about the price everyone has to pay to get a transaction processed (mining fee), and they have a monopoly on mining power (51% of the hashing power), in which case it's a 51% attack that has been discussed at length. Someone having that power will put uncertainty in the Bitcoin system itself, possibly causing Bitcoin value to crash, and would hurt them in the process, too.

Yes, thats correct, but rather it is more apt to call it a "confirmation fee." On the 51% attack, as I understand it, thats more like theft. Think more along the lines of "The Big Three." Most major industries have three top selling companies that control the majority of the market for their product. A 51% theft would require a collusion of the top confirmers to agree to conduct the theft and is less likely. But why bother with a 51% attack when the largest confirmation clearing houses silently agree to fix prices? Will it happen that way? I duno. There is historical precedence for this type of activity, so, would you prefer to just close your eyes and pretend the risk isn't there or would you prefer steps are taken early enough to negater the risk as much as possible?

Also, what you express, if true, only holds true with the assumption that only bitcoin is involved or even exists in the future. Even now there are many alt-coins and new alt-coin are being created almost constantly. It is easy to see how relying on bitcoin alone cannot be the answer.

Try to find and read some information online about "network effect." It's what explains eBay, Facebook, Windows, Blue ray, etc. Bitcoin has it, and it's why alt-coins will likely always fail, or at most be second best.

What makes you so sure that bitcoin will be the sole survivor. You don't think crypto-currency can be innovated any further? What makes you so sure miners will not abandon bitcoin in droves when you can't mine it anymore in favor of some other crypto-currency that lets them return to mining for profit ? If to many jump ship who will confirm all those transactions? Do you think people wont just switch to the new pop currency or do you think people will just love bitcoin to much to let that happen?
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1035
Regarding your other posts, we haven't paid for people efforts and labor in centuries. We pay people for the products of their minds. Those that know best, earn most. Which I believe is not only fair, but beneficial. We wouldn't want people who pour plastic and aluminum into molds designing the style and features of an iPhone, or the people who dig holes in the ground figuring out where to dig for oil and how best to transport it to the market where you can get top dollar, where it's needed most.

Human nature dictates that breaking even is not sufficient.

Of course. We all always strive for more, but there is usually only so much to get, and it's just natural for all our combined striving to eventually reach equilibrium with what we actually get out of it. This is the way it is in all business: long-term profit tends towards zero, because other companies join in to compete, and drive your prices down until you can sell your stuff only for exactly what it cost you to make it. This is also what drives people to innovate and figure out how to get just a little bit more than what has been previously available. This can be a more efficient production method, cheaper material, or more innovative product. Those people are the ones who earn more, because they discover something new, that others want, and that benefits everyone, and they do this by using their heads, instead of just their brawn.

Currently bitcoin transactions must be confirmed and the higher the confirmation fee paid the faster the transaction. Confirmers can set the priority of confirmations based on the amount confirmation fee. This can create the same issue even if all bitcoins have been mined. Those with large confirmation capacity have the advantage.

I don't think "confirmation capacity" is an issue. You can store an enormous amount of confirmations in 2 gigs of ram, and that's a fairly cheap thing for anyone to own.

They could charge less because of the volume and speed they offer yet make more money.

Miners don't charge, they just accept whatever fees are available. They can choose to only accept higher fee transactions, but that would exclude the lower fees from their profits. Everyone else will likely include all the fees, including the lower ones, too. So the only way they can make more money is by having more hashing power.

Over time you may end up with large "clearing houses" and few if any smaller operations. At that point the stage is set for a monopoly and price fixing/gouging.

Clearing houses? For what, mining transactions into a block? How would that lead to price fixing? Unless you are talking about the price everyone has to pay to get a transaction processed (mining fee), and they have a monopoly on mining power (51% of the hashing power), in which case it's a 51% attack that has been discussed at length. Someone having that power will put uncertainty in the Bitcoin system itself, possibly causing Bitcoin value to crash, and would hurt them in the process, too.

Also, what you express, if true, only holds true with the assumption that only bitcoin is involved or even exists in the future. Even now there are many alt-coins and new alt-coin are being created almost constantly. It is easy to see how relying on bitcoin alone cannot be the answer.

Try to find and read some information online about "network effect." It's what explains eBay, Facebook, Windows, Blue ray, etc. Bitcoin has it, and it's why alt-coins will likely always fail, or at most be second best.
Activity: 101
Merit: 10
Founder of The Bit Bit Forum
By the way, I'll just add that ideally, or at least long-term, bitcoin mining profit should approach zero. It doesn't matter if you are mining with CPU, GPU, or ASIC, as long as there is any profit at all, more people will start mining, until the difficulty gets high enough to where everyone only makes just enough to cover their costs. So in that sense, even if you do get an ASIC, you will rapidly be left in the cold, still, as other people also get more ASICs, and then you may end up with an expensive hardware device that you have no means to pay off.

Human nature dictates that breaking even is not sufficient. Currently bitcoin transitions must be confirmed and the higher the confirmation fee paid the faster the transaction. Confirmers can set the priority of confirmations based on the amount confirmation fee. This can create the same issue even if all bitcoins have been mined. Those with large confirmation capacity have the advantage. They could charge less because of the volume and speed they offer yet make more money. Over time you may end up with large "clearing houses" and few if any smaller operations. At that point the stage is set for a monopoly and price fixing/gouging.

Also, what you express, if true, only holds true with the assumption that only bitcoin is involved or even exists in the future. Even now there are many alt-coins and new alt-coin are being created almost constantly. It is easy to see how relying on bitcoin alone cannot be the answer.
Activity: 101
Merit: 10
Founder of The Bit Bit Forum
Therefore, I was only trying to be less wrong through clarification, I think this is the process in any honest debate,... No?

Then why not just make another post with clarifications, or make your edits clear so newcomers to the discussion would see both he original and the edited? To do otherwise smells of intellectual dishonesty, but that's just my 2 satoshis.

Got it, I detest Intellectual dishonesty so your advice carries great weight with me. I will endeavor to bring clarity to future clarification with the use of the profound "EDIT:" tag.

Thanks for your advice, your 2 satoshis hold great value in my eyes.
Activity: 101
Merit: 10
Founder of The Bit Bit Forum
What is actually written is that 'the LOVE of money is the root of all evil.' It is this fragment of ancestrial wisdom that I wish to bring to lite so as to address the logic behind my assertion.

“did you say it’s the love of money that’s the root of all evil? To love a thing is to know and love its nature. To love money is to know and love...

O.k.,... I think you have got the wrong idea about the point of this article, it is not about money. I don't understand how you came to such a conclusion about what I wrote. This is a reply I posted in a thread about greed... from this you can derive my opinion about money...

It's not at all greed. Any Money fills 3 functions:

1) Unit of account
2) Store of value
3) Medium of exchange

Money simply means that I can sell my old camera then maybe buy some pizza with some of the proceeds vs trying to find someone will accept a camera for a pizza, and then give me something that is worth the camera-the pizza for change. Money fulfills a function that allows an economy to work to some degree of efficiency.  

Nice concise summary of the function of money but I would add to this concept by saying that money represents time. We spend time to acquire ____________(write anything.) But even this is not quite right, the true equation is

money = |(life SPENT)*value|

       (life SPENT)  is equal to Life Span - {Life Span + [years:months:days:hours:minutes:seconds of work done to acquire ____________(write anything.)]}

                   and value is equal to (what we are willing to take as compensation for life SPENT that will never be experience again).

Therefore we get this function for greed (if we define greed as purely a moral nagative acquaintances (i.e. selfish action without any real positive or intended benefit for others beyond ones inner circle of acquaintances),
Greed(x) = [someone elses |(life SPENT)*value|x / [your |(life SPENT)*value|]

x is equal to unfair compensation for someone elses |(life SPENT)*value|
an unfair advantage to acquire ____________(write anything) that is used with disregard or contempt for someone else

Greed is not necessarily intentional, it can happen over time and catch an individual unaware. Yet once at the point of being greedy it is hard to stop because of the human instinct for self preservation and resource protection.

In fact I highly value the effort that others put forth to acquire their desires, just not when they do so at an undue cost to anothers efforts to acquire their own desires, which I make clear with this reply from yet another post...

What is BTCitcoin you ask?

Like all forms of Money,

a BTCitcoin is a measure of how much we Value

a single unit of our Lifes Energy,

or at least it is the Value we place

on the Time we have spent doing work,

Time which we shall never see again.

So, can you point to a single comment that I made that implies that I "hate" money, which you seemingly atribute to me?

My agenda is the equality of opportunity to acquire ones needs and desires. This agenda requires the preservation of ones right to acquire wealth in accordance to ones efforts. I can tell you this though, an unjust disparity occurs when one obtains many fold the wealth of another while only putting a small fraction of the effort as that same other.

Most minimum wage jobs require a large degree of physical labor compared to most highly paid careers and many people I have known who are at the bottom of the pay scale work far harder than many millionaires. But that is not the issue either but it does serve to show the consequences of wealth disparity. People that make good money have a wealth advantage that vastly improve the odds that they'they'll get a good education which makes it easier to get a high paying job or take advantage of certain wealth generating circumstances. People of average or lower economic status are not as likely to have the same advantages. Higher pay typically means lower physical labor but often more hours, low pay typically means a high degree of physical labor and average 40hr week. But, the lowest pay typically involves a high degree of physical labor and more hours. This lowest end of the pay spectrum is essentially like a death trap.

What I propose is that we take this historic event and use it to end this disparity for good at the dawn of a new age. It can be done because we are the architects of the foundation of the coming era.

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
You SERIOUSLY need to spend much more time in the Economics/Politics section of this forum. You have a lot to learn. This was a very long and very thought out post, and you should be proud of it, but there are just so many misconceptions in it regarding the way people and markets work that it would take for ever to address them all. Sorry.

Well, yah.  That's what I was thinking.  Obviously intelligent and capable, but not having read Hyack, Simons, Grisham, ... wait...

That's a lot of work.  How about just checking out some Peter Schiff youtube videos?

or some other youtube?  What's the quickie intro to economics of the under?
full member
Activity: 172
Merit: 100
Therefore, I was only trying to be less wrong through clarification, I think this is the process in any honest debate,... No?

Then why not just make another post with clarifications, or make your edits clear so newcomers to the discussion would see both he original and the edited? To do otherwise smells of intellectual dishonesty, but that's just my 2 satoshis.
Activity: 3598
Merit: 2386
Viva Ut Vivas
What is actually written is that 'the LOVE of money is the root of all evil.' It is this fragment of ancestrial wisdom that I wish to bring to lite so as to address the logic behind my assertion.

“did you say it’s the love of money that’s the root of all evil? To love a thing is to know and love its nature. To love money is to know and love the fact that money is the creation of the best power within you, and your passkey to trade your effort for the effort of the best among men. It’s the person who would sell his soul for a nickel, who is loudest in proclaiming his hatred of money–and he has good reason to hate it. The lovers of money are willing to work for it. They know they are able to deserve it.

“Let me give you a tip on a clue to men’s characters: the man who damns money has obtained it dishonorably; the man who respects it has earned it.

“Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. That sentence is the leper’s bell of an approaching looter. So long as men live together on earth and need means to deal with one another–their only substitute, if they abandon money, is the muzzle of a gun.

“But money demands of you the highest virtues, if you wish to make it or to keep it. Men who have no courage, pride or self-esteem, men who have no moral sense of their right to their money and are not willing to defend it as they defend their life, men who apologize for being rich–will not remain rich for long. They are the natural bait for the swarms of looters that stay under rocks for centuries, but come crawling out at the first smell of a man who begs to be forgiven for the guilt of owning wealth. They will hasten to relieve him of the guilt–and of his life, as he deserves.

“Then you will see the rise of the men of the double standard–the men who live by force, yet count on those who live by trade to create the value of their looted money–the men who are the hitchhikers of virtue. In a moral society, these are the criminals, and the statutes are written to protect you against them. But when a society establishes criminals-by-right and looters-by-law–men who use force to seize the wealth of disarmed victims–then money becomes its creators’ avenger. Such looters believe it safe to rob defenseless men, once they’ve passed a law to disarm them. But their loot becomes the magnet for other looters, who get it from them as they got it. Then the race goes, not to the ablest at production, but to those most ruthless at brutality. When force is the standard, the murderer wins over the pickpocket. And then that society vanishes, in a spread of ruins and slaughter.

“Do you wish to know whether that day is coming? Watch money. Money is the barometer of a society’s virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion–when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing–when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors–when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you–when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice–you may know that your society is doomed. Money is so noble a medium that is does not compete with guns and it does not make terms with brutality. It will not permit a country to survive as half-property, half-loot.

“Whenever destroyers appear among men, they start by destroying money, for money is men’s protection and the base of a moral existence. Destroyers seize gold and leave to its owners a counterfeit pile of paper. This kills all objective standards and delivers men into the arbitrary power of an arbitrary setter of values. Gold was an objective value, an equivalent of wealth produced. Paper is a mortgage on wealth that does not exist, backed by a gun aimed at those who are expected to produce it. Paper is a check drawn by legal looters upon an account which is not theirs: upon the virtue of the victims. Watch for the day when it bounces, marked, ‘Account overdrawn.’

“When you have made evil the means of survival, do not expect men to remain good. Do not expect them to stay moral and lose their lives for the purpose of becoming the fodder of the immoral. Do not expect them to produce, when production is punished and looting rewarded. Do not ask, ‘Who is destroying the world? You are.

“You stand in the midst of the greatest achievements of the greatest productive civilization and you wonder why it’s crumbling around you, while you’re damning its life-blood–money. You look upon money as the savages did before you, and you wonder why the jungle is creeping back to the edge of your cities. Throughout men’s history, money was always seized by looters of one brand or another, whose names changed, but whose method remained the same: to seize wealth by force and to keep the producers bound, demeaned, defamed, deprived of honor. That phrase about the evil of money, which you mouth with such righteous recklessness, comes from a time when wealth was produced by the labor of slaves–slaves who repeated the motions once discovered by somebody’s mind and left unimproved for centuries. So long as production was ruled by force, and wealth was obtained by conquest, there was little to conquer, Yet through all the centuries of stagnation and starvation, men exalted the looters, as aristocrats of the sword, as aristocrats of birth, as aristocrats of the bureau, and despised the producers, as slaves, as traders, as shopkeepers–as industrialists.

“To the glory of mankind, there was, for the first and only time in history, a country of money–and I have no higher, more reverent tribute to pay to America, for this means: a country of reason, justice, freedom, production, achievement. For the first time, man’s mind and money were set free, and there were no fortunes-by-conquest, but only fortunes-by-work, and instead of swordsmen and slaves, there appeared the real maker of wealth, the greatest worker, the highest type of human being–the self-made man–the American industrialist.

“If you ask me to name the proudest distinction of Americans, I would choose–because it contains all the others–the fact that they were the people who created the phrase ‘to make money.’ No other language or nation had ever used these words before; men had always thought of wealth as a static quantity–to be seized, begged, inherited, shared, looted or obtained as a favor. Americans were the first to understand that wealth has to be created. The words ‘to make money’ hold the essence of human morality.

“Yet these were the words for which Americans were denounced by the rotted cultures of the looters’ continents. Now the looters’ credo has brought you to regard your proudest achievements as a hallmark of shame, your prosperity as guilt, your greatest men, the industrialists, as blackguards, and your magnificent factories as the product and property of muscular labor, the labor of whip-driven slaves, like the pyramids of Egypt. The rotter who simpers that he sees no difference between the power of the dollar and the power of the whip, ought to learn the difference on his own hide– as, I think, he will.

“Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to be the tool by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of men. Blood, whips and guns–or dollars. Take your choice–there is no other–and your time is running out.”
Activity: 101
Merit: 10
Founder of The Bit Bit Forum

I see you edited your original post and made some great revisions. Again, great read keep up the good work and post more!

Activity: 101
Merit: 10
Founder of The Bit Bit Forum
Thanks for the advice, I know your trying to help and I appreciate it a lot. If you read a little closer you might see that I already understood most of what you advised.

I see you edited your original post and made some great revisions. Again, great read keep up the good work and post more!

The Ninja edit, works wonders when tying to prove you are right!

Ha... ya, the first time was kinda late for me, just tried to clean it  up a bit.

 But thanks!

EDIT: (This one's for you)

I subscribe to the theory of "Less Wrong" were absolute truth is = x/0.

We cannot be 100% correct from any single prospective so we can only be Less Wrong, the closer to truth we get the more elusive truth becomes.

Therefore, I was only trying to be less wrong through clarification, I think this is the process in any honest debate,... No?

Activity: 101
Merit: 10
Founder of The Bit Bit Forum
FIXED: The Biggist Threat To My Beer Money And The Student Loan Re-Painment

Good luck with the PhD, you can do it! :--)

LOL ...Like!
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1035
By the way, I'll just add that ideally, or at least long-term, bitcoin mining profit should approach zero. It doesn't matter if you are mining with CPU, GPU, or ASIC, as long as there is any profit at all, more people will start mining, until the difficulty gets high enough to where everyone only makes just enough to cover their costs. So in that sense, even if you do get an ASIC, you will rapidly be left in the cold, still, as other people also get more ASICs, and then you may end up with an expensive hardware device that you have no means to pay off.
full member
Activity: 172
Merit: 100
Thanks for the advice, I know your trying to help and I appreciate it a lot. If you read a little closer you might see that I already understood most of what you advised.

I see you edited your original post and made some great revisions. Again, great read keep up the good work and post more!

The Ninja edit, works wonders when tying to prove you are right!
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
full member
Activity: 216
Merit: 100
FIXED: The Biggist Threat To My Beer Money And The Student Loan Re-Painment

Good luck with the PhD, you can do it! :--)
Activity: 3598
Merit: 2386
Viva Ut Vivas
You speak of GPU miners as though they would be making big money today if it were not for FPGAs and ASICs.

The reality is that back in the day CPU miners were complaining in the same way that people who can afford to buy expensive GPU cards had an unfair advantage and were taking away the decentralization of Bitcoin. That anyone should be able to just turn on their money and start making money.

Back then, the investment in a $1,000-$2,000 graphics card may net you $1,500 to $2,000 worth of bitcoins. Sometimes people lost money on mining.

Then FPGAs come along and outpace the GPUs. These cost more and the return is slightly more because the Bitcoin price has gone up a bit more. Then ASICs come along and they cost more and the return is again slightly more because the Bitcoin price has gone up a bit more. But the percentage has remained fairly constant no matter which hardware has been used.

But the thing here is, there is a large chasm between the fastest hardware available today for mining and the next level (quantum computing).

We are in the early adopter phase of ASICs. Several companies are working to mass produce these by the hundreds of thousands.

In the future you will be able to order an ASIC at a much lower cost and have it shipped out within days. Hell, just before quantum computing comes out you may be able to go to your local Best Buy or Walmart and buy a Bitcoin ASIC miner next to the roku boxes.

The more people that are able to use these ASICs will mean that the difficulty will be higher and the payout will not be as high as it is today, but the price will be higher so more than likely there may be a return similar to what people have received before. But the key is that they will become even more decentralized. There is no "next" technology to pool money for like the ASICs that will give you an advantage over everyone else.

If you are a physics major your best way forward would be to look into quantum computing and focus on that because I guarantee that once Bitcoin takes off, the sprint will be to be the first to come online with a quantum miner. But the technological leap will be years in between so we will be able to enjoy cheap ASICs for quite some time.

They key to the faster technologies is that the faster they are, the more secure Bitcoin will be, and the worries of a 51% attack by any outside entity will be a thing of the past.
Activity: 101
Merit: 10
Founder of The Bit Bit Forum

Great read thanks a bunch!

Thanks, I appreciate the support!
Activity: 101
Merit: 10
Founder of The Bit Bit Forum
The easiest solution to your problem are the pass through shares and mining pools available for sale on one of the bitcoin stock exchanges. You can be a part of a mining pool or gain a share in a mining company for a very small investment and when you have enough you will be allowed to vote on the key issues for that security.

If you look at the distribution of blocks right now it is clear that their is a fairly good distribution of mining power. Unfortunately your late arrival to the game makes it impractical for you to start mining without a significant capital investment. As you said this is the way of the world and if you want to get exposure to mining their are still ways to do it, just not through direct personal investment.

Thanks for the advice, I know your trying to help and I appreciate it a lot. If you read a little closer you might see that I already understood most of what you advised.
Activity: 101
Merit: 10
Founder of The Bit Bit Forum
You SERIOUSLY need to spend much more time in the Economics/Politics section of this forum. You have a lot to learn. This was a very long and very thought out post, and you should be proud of it, but there are just so many misconceptions in it regarding the way people and markets work that it would take for ever to address them all. Sorry.

Thanks, +1 for you. Thats the first reply to one of my posts that I can respect.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
full member
Activity: 172
Merit: 100
You SERIOUSLY need to spend much more time in the Economics/Politics section of this forum. You have a lot to learn. This was a very long and very thought out post, and you should be proud of it, but there are just so many misconceptions in it regarding the way people and markets work that it would take for ever to address them all. Sorry.

This too
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1035
You SERIOUSLY need to spend much more time in the Economics/Politics section of this forum. You have a lot to learn. This was a very long and very thought out post, and you should be proud of it, but there are just so many misconceptions in it regarding the way people and markets work that it would take for ever to address them all. Sorry.
full member
Activity: 172
Merit: 100
The easiest solution to your problem are the pass through shares and mining pools available for sale on one of the bitcoin stock exchanges. You can be a part of a mining pool or gain a share in a mining company for a very small investment and when you have enough you will be allowed to vote on the key issues for that security.

If you look at the distribution of blocks right now it is clear that their is a fairly good distribution of mining power. Unfortunately your late arrival to the game makes it impractical for you to start mining without a significant capital investment. As you said this is the way of the world and if you want to get exposure to mining their are still ways to do it, just not through direct personal investment.
Activity: 101
Merit: 10
Founder of The Bit Bit Forum
Hello fellow MineCoinians,

      I am a true believer in the pure and honest morality of freedom and even though I am fairly new to the crypto-currency community I am very excited about the ultimate potential of the BTCitcoin ideology. Though I hold no religious theology as true and absolute, I do believe that man has, over the eons, collected a great deal of wisdom and that wisdom is most often found in the various religious text of history. One of the most quoted religious phrases from the hebrew and christian bible is that 'money is the root of all evil.' You most likely have heard this phrase many times before, but that phrase does not exist. What is actually written is that 'the LOVE of money is the root of all evil.' It is this fragment of ancestrial wisdom that I wish to bring to light so as to address the logic behind my assertion. Decentralization, the very foundation of the Bitcoin ideology, is at serious risk of annialation.

      First and foremost I want to be honest about what brought me to this moment in my life. I am a college student studing for a double major (computer enginering and physics) and working towards an eventual PHD. Because of past mistakes I have serious financial trouble so holding a job wouldn't be worth it after creditors and uncle Sam take their cut from my paycheck. I was searching online for a way to make an income that would not take to much time away from my studies when I came across I immediately downloaded and installed bitcoin-qt and the bitminter client and fired up my GTX690. After some days passed it became apparent that it was going to take awhile to make very much money at all so I started to research my options. This research of course revealed the world of FPGA mining rigs and the latest holy grail of miners... the ASICs rig. At that point I became very discouraged, not so much because FPGA and ASICs hardware was too expensive and out of reach, but that FPGA and ASICs hardware was too expensive and out of reach for me in my situation. This fact is the critical link that enduced my awarness of the major point I wish to make in this article.

     I did alot of brainstorming trying to figure out a way to improve my situation and I came to one inevitable conclusion, I cannot do it alone. The best option I could imagine was to set up a special mining pool just for raising funds to build/purchase an ASICs mining farm soley to provide all the mining participants in the pool with their own ASICs rigs. This is another key to my argument, as I conducted my research on mining pools I became highly aware of the negative impact that a scarce supply of ASIC mining hardware will have.

     There will always be disparity between classes in wealth, thats just the nature of life. Bitcoin mining has offered a more level playing field because with careful planning and proper financial structuring an individual could start a small mining venture and grow that effort and diligence into operating rigs that have a respectful hashrates. ASICs technology threatens the balance that has exists untile now because it is disruptive to this level playing field. Those who can afford to pay a premium to adopt ASICs hardware early have such a massive hashing advantage that even the advantages of the best FPGA setup will rapidly evaporate as difficulty levels rise at a sudo exponential rate. This leaves the FPGA miners scrambling for extra FPGA units and trying to squeeze out every last drop of effency from their FPGA setup. The run on ASICs and FPGAs raises their prices and causes an increasingly diminished supply of ASICS and FPGA units.

     GPU miners tend to be the types of people that have limited resources, dual purposing by using their rigs for example; gaming and mining, or are trying to earn enough coin to upgrade to better mining rigs. Humble GPU mining can still be (to an ever decreasing extent) vaible for some miners and a few short months ago had pretty decent hashrates but not for much longer. The GPU miners are rapidly being left out in the deep, cold emptiness of crypto-mining space with warp drives that are failing because of a quantum shift in the alternate laws of mining physics.

     GPU miners are further disparaged by the scarcity and rising prices of FPGA and new ASIC hardware.  GPU miners generally cannot afford or cannot aquire the hardware to upgrade. This furthers the class divide between GPU miners and those who can afford to pay a premium and adopt ASICs hardware early and the FPGA miners who are able to keep up and eventually transition to ASICs hardware. By the time the few remaining GPU miners are able to upgrade, many of them may never be able to catch up, mostly due to the hardware requirements making mining feasible have continued to increase at a sudo exponential rate without their participation. To further the STAR TREK analogy, these straggling GPU miners will be droped from the warp conduit simply because they ran out of antimatter while trying to catch up to bigger, faster and more advanced starships leaving them disparagingly adrift forever in the sameness of space as the disenfranchised GPU miners that preceded them.

     This is the type of situation that has historically given rise to desperate levels of poverty in ordinary societies, it is simple economics coupled with human self protectionism. A digital future is our worlds destiny and whether or not bitcoin will survive far into that future is irrelevant, but the conduct of the bitcoin community will greatly influence the nature of humanities destiny within that future and is instrumental in laying the foundation for what kind of society humanities future is built on. So how we, the bitcoin community, behave during this transitional shift has profound significance for the quality of life of future generations. The question I pose to you is this; are we, at this profound and criticle moment in history, going to perpetuate the blind sins of the past because of short sighted self preservationizm and greed or are we going to create a revolution in the human condition for the benifit of all of man.

     The core principle of Bitcoin ideology is the decentralization of currency, and for what pupose? We all know the answer to this question. It is because we all know the evil that men drunk with power will do to his very own blood let alone what he would do to you. But what do you think it means if crypto-coin mining becomes just another resource that only rich corporations can afford to harvest? How different do you think that this situation will be from the way things are now, or the way things have always been? Once a viable crypto-currency is embedded into a culture it becomes no different than any other essential resource and is subject to the same jurisdictions. If crypto-mining is only available to an elite group of wealthy individuals, then it becomes subject to the concerns of the elite. History shows us that elitist tend to be unfair, greedy self preservationist who are susceptible to and often the very architects of political pressure. Ask yourself this question and answer yourself honestly. If you had invested years of your life mining a substantial amount of bitcoin wealth and suddenly you find yourself faced with the decision to either protect the principles behind Bitcoins Ideology and loosing all the wealth you had worked so long to acquire or forsaking the ideology of Bitcoin and keeping all your acquired wealth, minus some taxes and fees, knowing that you'll likely live well the rest of your life, what would YOU do? Again, history shows what most people would do, its a simple matter of self preservationizm. This is why decentralization is so critical.
     I think we all agree that we do not want the situation to get to that point, but that is the course it is presently taking and only together can we stop this decent of such a noble endeavor. So what is it that we can do? In many respects the solution is simple in concept, its the execution thats more challenging. The hardest element to overcome is at the core of the human instinct to survive, and that is the instinct of self preservation. This instinct is of course very strong and because human beings are intellectual creatures this instinct is often triggered when our ideas or sense of self are in intellectual danger even though our bodies or lifes may not be. This is the major cause of human irrational behavior. So for the sole sake of logic it stands to reason that if smaller and smaller groups continue to control larger and larger portions of a finite pool of resources then you either must exponentially increase the quantity of the reasources or you must equalize the method of gathering the resources to a broader group of people. Fortunately in this case the resource is a fabrication of man.

     So with that being said, lets open this up for discussion...  I release it to the floor...


The bureaucratic mentality is the only constant in the universe.
-Dr. McCoy, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
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