For those who have not been following the previous thread (, I'm pleased to announce the official launch of the Bitcoin Business Review this evening! We've got an interview of Search Bitcoin's Jared Ostmeyer ( to kick things off, and several community members have pieces in the works that should be expected in the coming week. A few things to note:
AdvertisersIf you'd like to advertise on the BBR, we've initially set up two spaces on the site that are for rent through Operation Fabulous for a starting bid of 0.001 btc. As the project develops, expect more promotional opportunities to emerge.
WritersIf you'd like to have a piece published on the BBR, create an account and submit an article for review directly through the website. Policies for submitters are as follows:
I. Submission and Publication
Articles submitted to the BBR must be original work that has not been previously published elsewhere. Writers who violate this policy may be banned from submitting future pieces at the discretion of the Editor, and any shared revenue to which the submitter would have been entitled will instead accrue to the article's true author or, if that author cannot be contacted, will be donated to a bitcoin community project such as the Bitcoin Faucet. Additionally, the final decision as to whether or not to publish an article is the Editor's.
II. Compensation
Published writers are compensated for their work in bitcoin by the BBR through a revenue sharing system. At the end of each month, a potion (currently 50%) of the site's advertising revenue will go to the writers, pro-rated by the percentage of traffic that month was generated by that writer's articles. For example, if the site received 10,000 hits, and your articles comprised 500 of those page-views, you would be entitled to 5% of the bitcoins in that month's writer's pool. Disbursements will accumulate until a writer's balance reaches a level determined by the Editor, at which point they will be sent to a bitcoin address provided by the writer.
III. Promotion of Articles by Writers
Writers are strongly encouraged to promote their pieces on all legitimate channels, but spamming will not be tolerated. Additionally, using illegitimate means to generate false hits as a way of increasing the size of one's share of revenue will not be tolerated, and might result in the offender being banned from the site and his or her illicit earning being donated to a non-profit cause that benefits the bitcoin community. The BBR's aim is to cultivate a collaborative, respectful community in which members deal with each other honorably, so such betrayals of the community's trust will be dealt with publicly and decisively.
Thanks for all the interest people have shown in the project thus far, and we're looking forward to this new adventure!
P.S. While still functional, the website is still very much under development; if you have any suggestions/feedback, send it along to kevin (at)